Grabher is a “Nova Scotia man”


The problem isn’t that he’s a Nova Scotia man of course. It is that he’s a man.

I have a funny feeling that if Lorne Grabher’s name was Penisidiot, the ever-so correct Globe and Mail, defender of the weak woman half of the country, and its woke fanbase, would absolutely love his license plate (which he’d had for 30 years but which suddenly became scientifically unwoke or something). Instead, they’re making it into a national issue (“More Top Stories”!) of anti-woman sexual social injustice or whatever virtue-signalling idiocy this is.

What other names would they deem to be just perfect on a license plate I wonder. Cockburn, I suppose. Ballkick. Badman. Butts (only if he’s a man). Angel (women only). Black. White —not so much (“racist,” see).

I’ll stay abreast of the matter.

Joel Johannesen
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