Saturday, May 18, 2024

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(Canada) - New Membership Opportunity For Union Bosses

I wrote about this three weeks ago (Notice to Liberals: Canada on al Qaeda hit list), but as we all know, when conservatives say anything it’s not valid until a Liberal later speaks up about it, a conservative agrees with him, and then the liberal media write about it, so here’s the official version from Canwest News Service: 

Canada remains vulnerable to terrorism.

Conservative Party national security critic Peter MacKay agrees with Liberal Senator Colin Kenny’s alarm over our porous borders. 

Federal officials have offered “platitudes” and “public relations” efforts instead of moving decisively to tighten the gaps in the country’s emergency preparedness, says deputy Conservative leader Peter MacKay.

“It’s more about the exercise of public appeasement than it is about actually ensuring that Canada is ready for what some have described as an imminent attack. And when I say some, I recall Ward Elcock, the [former] head of CSIS, just a year ago saying, ‘It’s not a question of if but when,’ ” Mr. MacKay said.

Amazing how I actually agree in advance with what liberals will say down the road after they read my columns and hear other conservatives speak out in our effort to do their jobs for them.  I just hope they figure out our fancy language in advance of any ugliness occurring. 

Last week I posted about the treasonous labor union boss Bob Ashton, of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union in British Columbia, who threatened that his workers, which include Hells Angels, will not be subject to newly planned employee security checks—better that Canada simply “ease-up” on national security than dare to “violate” his precious members’ precious “right” to not be checked-out for national security purposes. 

The rights of Canadian families to so-called live another day are secondary to labor union members’ rights and to the needs of politicians on the liberal-left who live off their avails.  When “workers’ rights” are on the line, get the hell out of the way.  Naturally, terrorists are non-union and simply mock all the union boss hubris since they’re merely being asinine, much as they expect of us.  In the real world, things often don’t fall into place and advance the aspirations of unions and the liberal-left, but they frequently do for Muslim terrorists here and abroad. 

The fact that the port of Vancouver is a blatant national security threat and, as if to prove the point, is increasingly becoming another center of Hells Angels activity and Ashton’s union is replete with members of that organized crime family—doesn’t phase the labor-union boss in the least.  Union bosses see situations such as this as potential new sources of membership cash rather than as a threat to their nation’s security.  That’s how the liberal-left thinks. Liberal-left political parties and politicians in turn see these labor unions as another delicious crop to grow and harvest like oats. 

As we know, it’s impossible to shame most in the liberal-left.  They cannot feel embarrassment. A reporter interviewing a union boss could point out a patch-wearing member of the Hells Angels working, say, right over there, amongst all the other workers working in one of the world’s biggest ports and biggest terrorism risks on the face of the earth, and then the union boss will respond, “I represent workers, not Hells Angels, not criminals,” in an apparent clarification of the September 10 versus September 11 “Muslim worker” versus “Muslim terrorist criminal” comparison. 

And because he is not yet embarrassed by what he just said, he will go on with, “And until that guy gets his day in court, as far as I know he’s a citizen of Canada, with no criminal record, and has a right to earn a living.” 

Yesterday, Mr. Kenny also challenged a Vancouver union leader who says his members—including a patch-wearing Hells Angel—should not be subjected to “intrusive” government screening to weed out bad apples.

But Mr. Kenny said it is difficult to not question the motives and want to remove from the port any member or associate of the Hells Angels.

“When you find a disproportionate amount of organized criminals gathering at a certain location, I think it’s reasonable to assume they plan to exploit that,” said Mr. Kenny, who has warned that terrorists could smuggle nuclear “dirty bombs” through Canadian ports.

Ah.  OK.  It’s confirmed then. 

No word on whether union-boss Ashton ever heard about that whole September 11 thing, and how difficult it has been to get those hijackers into a court of law now that they are dust, all blended together with the dust of thousands of dead innocent people.

The memo written by non-union terrorist leader Osama bin Laden apparently never got to the big labor union boss’s marble-covered desk in an office overlooking his fiefdom.  Just to remind everybody, in the memo, bin Laden wrote in Arabic that Canada is number five on the list of seven countries to destroy. 

I assume Ashton would think bin Laden’s not serious because his outfit is all non-union, though I’ve said many times that non-union workers are far more efficient and plentiful and are often more skilled in specific fields than union workers. Take terrorism, for example.  Non-union, yet effective—of course I acknowledge this fact has not yet been vetted by the liberals in the press. 

Here’s another memo to union bosses and liberals:  On September 11 2001, a bunch of workers hijacked four fully-loaded passenger jets and summarily committed a horrible crime.  At that moment they became “criminals”.  And I would assume, though not with any degree of certainty, that all would agree those hijackers should have been stopped from having any “right to earn a living” well in advance of their committing the crimes, even if they were a member of a union.  I’m sure I read it somewhere or I will eventually. 

By Joel Johannesen

This editorial is posted at  Here is the exact link to the editorial:

Joel Johannesen
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