Saturday, May 18, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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The liberal-left’s great healthcare system killed these Canadians

The liberal-left lie to you, and try to convince you that Canada’s healthcare system is the greatest in the world, based largely on the fact that it’s “free”.  Please note the lie-quotes around the word “free”. 

In actual fact, TWENTY-EIGHT COUNTRIES have (“free”) universal access healthcare systems just like Canada.  TWENTY EIGHT.  The difference is that the other twenty seven are better—sometimes far far better, sometimes with NO WAITING LISTS.  The World Health Organization ranked Canada’s 30th in the world.

And the common thread among the sensible nations of the world?  They are systems run either by private enterprise, or private enterprise plays a huge roll in them.  And people can generally spend their money on their own basic healthcare as they see fit—unlike in Canada (and North Korea, and Cuba) where it’s literally against the law to do that.

Here’s some more examples of how Canada’s North Korean-style healthcare system is killing Canadians.  This, by the way, is the same healthcare system that the liberal-left in this country demands by law that we stick with; it’s their sacred “Canada Health Act” that they invented; the government Act and the political ideology upon which they’ve hung their entire political capital.  The one they keep throwing countless BILLIONS of dollars at, only to make it worse and worse, because they are ideologically opposed to allowing private enterprise and enterprising citizens fix the system.  It’s the only actual “principle” the liberal-left have.  The liberal-left thinks only government can fix the trouble they caused.  That kind of thinking is a disease unto itself.

MDs ask for probe of waiting-time calamities

Ontario’s emergency-room doctors are asking provincial Ombudsman AndrÃ

Joel Johannesen
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