That’s the result of an Ipsos-Reid poll, conducted for liberal-friendly CanWest News Service.
When asked if the Liberal Party has lost the moral authority to govern our country, 48 percent agreed. And that sounds devastating for the Liberals on the surface. However the flip side is that 45 percent don’t agree with that assessment at all! They think the Liberals have NOT lost their moral authority, requiring us to once again ask ourselves: What in tarnation would it take for Canadians to believe that the Liberals are systemically corrupt and incapable of faithfully leading our nation?
More perplexing is the fact that last week, an Ipsos poll showed that Liberal Party support had grown to a spread of 12 percent over the Conservatives, and a poll just emailed to me this morning by SES Research shows the same result. That goes counter to other recent polls suggesting that the Liberals were ahead by only five to seven points, and one anomaly in that mix of polls showing a couple of weeks ago that the Liberals were ahead by 13, which Ottawa columnist Val Sears chose to embrace as “the latest poll” (which it wasn’t) in a column last week —without any of the other trifling words I just typed for accuracy and balance of course.
Canadians are so liberal they don’t even know how liberal they are any more. The liberal-left, its media and academia and entertainment industry, together with state-run media here and a culture of full dependence on government by most every Canadian and most businesses which has been nurtured by the liberal-left, has worked marvelously well in turning Canadians’ attitude against conservative government in favor of liberal-left socialists.
The media in particular have done a great service to the Liberals, by, for example, turning the Liberal Party’s sponsorship or “Adscam” corruption scandal into what they constantly term the federal sponsorship scandal in their stories, or the federal government sponsorship scandal —-rather than Liberal Party sponsorship scandal which is what it actually is. Thus they make everyone look bad—not just the Liberal Party which is the only guilty party in actual fact. It’s a little like calling terrorists “militants” or “combatants”—in that it makes anyone who’s fighting equal in guilt. They’re all bad—no one party stands out as worse, they would have us believe.
Here’s an example of that, from another story just this morning:
Canadians by the thousands have watched the televised testimony, fumed over the news accounts, gasped at the perfidy and laughed aloud at the theatrics.
Now the long-running federal sponsorship scandal is about to burst back onto the national scene, with the release by Justice John Gomery of the first of two reports from his nine-month commission of inquiry.
As if to prove the point, Mr. Darrell Bricker, president of Ipsos-Reid said, regarding this latest poll,
“It’s not like anybody has seized the issue as being the ‘party of clean,’ ” he said. “It’s not like anybody has broken away from the pack on that. So, people are just throwing up their hands and saying; ‘Oh well, I don’t think anybody is necessarily going to be any better (than Mr. Martin).’ “
Eureka, liberal media!
But look at this:
Thirty-four per cent of respondents pointed to Mr. Chretien when asked who was most to blame for the scandal, 15 per cent picked Mr. Martin, who was finance minister at the time, 14 per cent chose officials from the federal Liberal party in Quebec, 12 per cent said public servants in the Department of Public Works, and 10 per cent blame all parties.
Ten percent blame all parties for the Liberal Party Adscam corruption! How could that have happened?
But moreover, that little gem of “blame” information amounts to a total of only 51 percent of the country. Where’s the rest?! I imagine that a good wack of the remaining 49 percent of Canadians (which is left mysteriously unexplained in the story) blame Stephen Harper and the Conservatives!
I think it’s remarkable that in spite of all of that, so many millions of Canadians still vote Conservative. The conservative message, its values and truths must be very powerful indeed. Too bad more don’t hear it!
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