Sunday, May 19, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Who’s Tara Reid? And why do we care?

Apparently a “wardrobe malfunction” occurred again among the liberal Hollywood crowd, this time to Tara Reid.  While posing for photos after none other than P.Diddy/Sean Puff Daddy Sugar Momma Skiddly-Doo’s birthday bash (he’s the “Vote or Die”, “get that youth liberal hip-hop vote out but pretend you just want to get the youth vote out” guy), her left shoulder strap had fallen down and exposed one of her fake breasts or whatever you call something that isn’t human anymore. 

Prior to the strap falling down, a “fashion aide” of some sort had lifted the strap up further on her shoulder to prevent it falling right down, but just as the camera flashes started flashing, the dang strap fell down again, allowing millions of photos to be taken of the silicone-filled whatever thingy-dingy. 

I did a quick search for Tara Reid because I didn’t have the foggiest who she was, and found a whole lot of lewd pictures designed, by her, on purpose, to show absolutely the maximum possible silicone-filled whateverage, without actually showing anythingage.  I forgot what it was she did to make her matter.  It was nothing to do with curing cancer. 

Here’s a typical picture I found:

this isn't the silicone-filled-whatever shot -- it's just a stock photo.

In her defence, she did seem honestly aghast at what happened—i.e., it really was a wardrobe malfunction.  She was seen BEGGING the paparazzi to not publish the photos—and I haven’t found any yet.  Not that I was looking.

Joel Johannesen
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