Monday, September 16, 2024

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Pakistan needs our help

I’ve set up a link over in the right column that will stay until Pakistan gets back on its feet.  It’s a link to one of my favorite charities, World Vision (Canada), but I’ll set up a whole Pakistan Relief page like I had for the Katrina crisis, and add the same other charitable organizations I had on our Katrina Relief page, later today.

Here’s the link, for now:

World Vision (Canada) Pakistan donations

UPDATE (11:00 AM PDT Monday Oct 10): 

My initial instinct to link to World Vision was good, it seems, since they seem to be among the few big aid organizations that I’ve found this morning that are fully on the ball internet-wise, in these first few crucial days when getting support is easiest.  Some of the big charitable organizations are surprisingly sluggish in establishing their appeal on the Internet, thereby wasting valuable life-saving time. 

The Salvation Army’s Canadian page had nothing at all about Pakistan on its pages as of 11:00 AM PDT on Monday Oct 10.

The Canadian Red Cross had nothing on their site.  I understand from reading news reports that they don’t plan on sending anybody to the region. 

Same with the The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, to which Canadian taxpayers have contributed $100,000 as of the past couple of days.  There’s nothing on their web site at all at this time.  However at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) web site, I see where they’ve developed a site that helps victims reunite with their familes


Red Cross (Canada) now has a news bulletin and a pointer to their donation page.  Same with The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

Anyway, I’ve now completed a page with a list of places you can choose to donate, and changed the link in the right hand column to take people to that page.

Joel Johannesen
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