In reading about the passing of the great Canadian war hero Sergeant Ernest “Smokey” Smith (memo to Carolyn Parrish: he was a “KILLER” and proud of it—as was an entire nation of Canadians who now have a free country that you seem to quite enjoy!), I found this minor (Freudian?) gaffe in the National Post. Or was it a gaffe?
Ottawa tried to eliminate the VC. It was thanks to a lobby during the 1980s and early 1990s by veterans and other groups, and to a former Saskatchewan MP named Doug Fee who successfully introduced a private member’s bill, The Victoria Cross Act, that former prime minister Brain Mulroney’s government reinstituted the VC. Today, it remains at the very top of Canada’s Order of Precedence.
Oops. Darn the luck. I suspect the editors of the NP might have had lesser, more current people in mind and were confounded by the comparison, when they were writing their opinion.
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