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Does Alexandre Trudeau read my blog?

image Just yesterday I said, “Stellar liberal-left moonbats come to rescue of—not Canada—but suspected terrorists”, refering primarily to liberal moonbat Alexandre Trudeau, who’s siding with a suspected terrorist being held in Canada. 

You’d think he read my blog when today the first sentence in an article about his actions was, “Alexandre Trudeau says he’s doing it for his country.

I still say he’s doing it for the suspected terrorist, and for himself, not “for his country”.  But that sure sounds cool!

Here’s a clue that we’re on the right side and he’s taking the wrong side: The controversial certificates under which Almrei is being held have been widely criticized by civil libertarians and groups, including the United Nations and Amnesty International, for violating fundamental human rights.  I bet the ACLU is also on-side with that bunch, as is PETA, the BC Teachers Federation, the CBC koffee klatch, Feminists-R-Us, The NDP, and Planned Parenthood.  And al-Qaida.

Anyway, then there were these other bits in the article:

  • He testified on behalf of accused terrorist Hassan Almrei, a Syrian national who has been held in solitary confinement nearly four years for alleged contact with al-Qaida members.  Canada’s national security agency CSIS thinks Almrie’s a threat.  Trudeau knows better!

  • He told the Federal Court court he would be willing to be one of several people designated to accompany Almrei whenever he leaves home if he is granted bail.  Stay away from flying schools, Alexandre!

  • Trudeau dismissed suggestions by a government lawyer that he may have been conned by a desperate Almrei, who is on his fourth hunger strike over “miserable conditions” (reporter Cassandra Szklarski’s words) in his “tiny” (reporter’s word) Toronto jail cell.  But no no no no noooo.  “I have an instinct for that,” Trudeau replied, informing us that we shouldn’t worry—he has travelled the world extensively and that his primary concern is upholding human rights.  Phew!  High-five on the “instinct” thing! 

  • The young liberal Trudeau told the court he didn’t find anything suspicious about Almrei.  Phew!  That confirms it then!

  • “I found him (to be) a likable guy,” Trudeau said. “We got along very well.”  I smell a gay wedding!

  • “I also found him to be tolerant.”  Bet he’ll vote Liberal, being so darn tolerant!

  • “My issue is not to know what he’s done. He hasn’t been charged. … So I presume him innocent.”  So were the 9/11 highjackers on 9/10.

  • When asked by Almrei’s lawyer why he would support a man accused of terrorist acts, Trudeau answered simply: “For my country.”  When asked what the hell that meant …well actually nobody bothered to ask him that.


    Joel Johannesen
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