Friday, September 20, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Words can’t adequately describe the dishonesty of the liberal-left in Canada

ProudToBeCanadian? I’m not “fuming” or “sputtering” or—oh let’s wait for this one to be dragged-out again real soon by the liberals’ media:  “SO ANGRY!” over Canada’s liberal-left, which once again, working together in an abominable display of hypocrisy and dishonesty—in the people’s house, the commons, of all places—did whatever they could think of to stay in power.  Dumb old “Canada”, “honesty”, and “integrity” be damned!  There’s power to be had here!  Liberalizing all the land!

I’m simply getting used to it and gathering my strength as I hope all conservatives are (and I’m sure they are). 

This was nothing short of despicable trickery on the part of the liberal-left people’s representatives for goodness’ sake. 

Liberals are in favor of that.

The realization of what had occurred only dawned on the Tories as they gazed around the shuttle buses that normally ferry MPs off Parliament Hill and realized there wasn’t a Liberal in sight.

Every available Liberal MP was cloistered in the Commons lobby waiting to spring into a vote to cut off debate. The Liberals, the Bloc and New Democrats made extraordinary use of a rule allowing for cutting off debate on the budget if they agreed the Conservatives were being obstructionist.

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper poured scorn on the alliance.

“When push comes to shove the Liberals will make any deal with anybody,” Harper said after he was forced to rush back for a midnight vote. “And it doesn’t matter whether it’s with the socialists or with the separatists or any bunch of crooks they can find.”

And for that, Conservative leader Stephen Harper wins our coveted Quote Of The Week Award.

Quote of the Week Award


Joel Johannesen
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