Friday, September 20, 2024

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Dennis Prager’s Part XV of his series

Here’s the drill:  I have been pointing to Dennis Prager’s series on Judeo-Christian values this year because it’s good reading and intelligent people read this kind of stuff.  Moreover, Canadians need this like they need air (rather than the gaseous substance that oozes out of Ottawa, the old mainstream media, and our schools, for example). 

Dennis Prager made a new year’s resolution to explain Judeo-Christian values to folks for their edification and for the betterment of man.  I think he’s doing a fantastic job.  For those who aren’t caught up, there’s an archive available at the Townhall site.  Each part takes only two or three minutes to read.

Here’s part of “We are not just animals: Judeo-Christian values part XV”:

There is actually a secular way to understand this. If we saw a person eating food with his face in a bowl, we would think, “He eats like a pig” or “He eats like an animal.” That is an insult to a person—because humans are supposed to elevate their behavior above the animal (this is a goal of Judeo-Christian and just about every other major religious tradition). But it is no insult to an animal. When an animal eats face-first out of a bowl, we hardly think ill of it; but when a person mimics animal behavior, we do think lower of that person. So, even non-religious society has imbibed some of the view that acting like an animal is not how a human being should generally act.

[… Read the whole thing (3 minutes) …]

Joel Johannesen
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