Friday, September 20, 2024

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“The Truth About Hillary” coming September 2005

Here’s a heads-up on a new book coming out in September, called “The Truth About Hillary”, that purports to debunk the junk called Hillary Rodham Clinton. I’ll be sure to add it to our Reading Right list and highlight it as much as possible, since of course the New York Times book reviews section and Oprah certainly won’t mention it, ever. 

A new book could prove a roadblock to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s possible run for the White House in 2008 by promising revelations about the New York Democrat that could cast doubt among voters.

“The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She’ll Go to Become President” by Edward Klein is due out in September. It’s being published by Sentinel, the two-year-old conservative imprint of publishing giant Penguin Putnam.

“Just as the Swift Boat Veterans convinced millions of voters that John Kerry lacked the character to be president, Klein’s book will influence everyone who is sizing up the character of Hillary Clinton,” the publisher noted in sales material.

Rumors that the book “won’t be pretty” and is brimming with “new dirt” have circulated in the New York press for the past four months.

Yesterday, online newshound Matt Drudge claimed the project was dubbed “Hillary in the Raw,” with content so explosive it could jeopardize Mrs. Clinton’s candidacy.

Joel Johannesen
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