In a world in which it is totally acceptable—nay expected—that conservatives be called “morons”, “idiots”, “extremist”, “nutbars”—and that’s just by elected Liberal officials (oh and the neo-communist Vancouver Mayor Larry Campbell officially calls conservatives “barbarians”), it’s a wonder “conservatives” aren’t put in Canada’s Charter of Rights as a protected species. (No, silly me, there’s frogs to protect.)
In 1999, during the Clinton impeachment trial, actor/activist Alec Baldwin said that in an ideal world, “We would stone Henry Hyde (the House impeachment manager) to death and we would go to their homes (other Republican impeachment leaders) and we’d kill their wives and children.”
Jesse Jackson once (in the course of an interview) called New York City “Hymie-town,” in reference to its Jewish population.
The blathering Michael Moore said, “The bastards who run our country (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al) are a bunch of conniving, lying, smug pricks who need to be brought down and removed and replaced with a whole new system that we control.”
An unfan of mine once wrote (in an e-mail, of course) “I’m curious however why you don’t just apply for American citizenship, and leave Canada for real Canadians. I guess the exploitation opportunities are just too much for you to resist. Shame on you.”
On a public forum at which rage ensued against me personally, someone wrote: “The great thing about Canadian regressive conservatives is that they’re a bunch of fringe nutcases”. Another wrote, “We can see through evil morons in a second”.
The there’s this conservative writer who got was publicly berated on a liberal’s blog as follows: “Professor Brian Leiter, who fancies himself an arbiter of all things academically respectable, disagrees with my assertion that conservatives are treated with condescension and hostility in the modern university. His way of proving me wrong is to call me “embittered” and a “crackpot,” a “lunatic” whose “ranting” and “paranoid” “lies” are not only “embarrassing,” but raise “a serious psychological question” about my mental stability. Then, calling in the heavy intellectual artillery, he links approvingly to another blog which characterizes my article as “bullshit” and “total crap,” and me personally as “nuts,” a “Neanderthal,” “stupid,” “dim-witted,” “a twit,” “a moron,” a product of “the breeding ground of chaos and hate in this country [which] lies nested in the pathological conservativism of murderous anti-abortionist goons, right-wing militias, and wanna-be theocrats,” and—the coup de grace—“Ann Coulter’s long lost fraternal twin.” At this point Professor Leiter and his fellow bloggers apparently exhausted the thesaurus.”
But here’s the horrendous story of shame and humiliation found on the state-run CBC web site today:
Gay man awarded $1,000 for ‘fifi’ comment
Mon, 11 Oct 2004 12:31:31 EDTMONTREAL – A gay man who was called a “fifi” by a used car salesman has been awarded $1,000 by Quebec’s Human Rights Tribunal.
The man’s name can’t be revealed because of a publication ban.
The man told the judge he felt dehumanized, humiliated and degraded by the comment, which happened in November 2001 at Roger Poirier Automobile in Sorel, about 70 kilometres northeast of Montreal.
The salesman, Marcel Bardier, used “discriminatory words in regard to [the complainant], by revealing his sexual orientation in hurtful and vexatious terms,” wrote Judge Michele Pauze in her decision, according to the Montreal Gazette.
“Calling someone a `fifi’ constitutes a scornful way of referring to homosexuals. The use of this term wounds and adds to the disgrace and lack of respect of human dignity a person [can suffer], homosexuals in particular.”
In addition to the $1,000 in “moral damages,” the car salesman and his employer must also pay interest and expenses.
I’ve never even heard the word “fifi” before, and I would have thought they’d like it. They call themselves “queers” and any number of silly deprecating antics take place at gay pride parades that certainly seem to imply they have a sense of humor about themselves.
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