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Liberal moonbats hate when conservatives assemble and excercise free speech

…one only has to read my email to know what I mean.

There are rules for liberals, and then there are rules for the rest of us.  Or so liberals think. 

Gay liberal moonbats tried to exemplify some of that famous liberal tolerance and love of free speech and their undying compassion as they physically blocked access to Conservative Party members (they’d be Canada-loving Canadians) to their own policy convention in their own country yesterday. 

The “Pink Panthers”, as they called themselves, apparently did this by pushing them and grabbing at their faces and accosting them (would that be ‘groping’?).  But remember:  they are not being intolerant!  They’re fighting for human rights!  Just theirs, of course, and indeed only for what they mendaciously call their “human rights” since gay ‘marriage’ certainly isn’t a “human right”—not even according to their beloved United Nations—only to liberals. 

Their right to block other people’s freedoms at their will, however,  “flows from” the Charter of Rights, I think, because they’re liberals.  Let’s get a second opinion on that: let’s ask the Supreme Court of Canada division of the Liberal Party for an opinion after we appoint radical gay freedom-fighter judges…. or we could just eliminate the middle-man—someone get COTLER on the horn!


CREDIT: Ryan Remiorz, Canadian Press
A delegate tries to get past group calling themselves Pink Panthers, part of a gay coalition, on Thursday, first day of Conservative party’s three-day policy convention in Montreal.

“Don’t enshrine anti-gay stand, Tory urges”—was the headline blaring in the Vancouver Sun story accompanying the picture of the freedom-fighting “Pink Panthers”.  Of course in the headline they left out the word “marriage” after the hyphenated words “anti-gay”, but that was precisely the idea.  “Anti-gay” is exactly the seed the liberal media want to plant in the minds of Canadians when it comes to conservatives.  The weak-minded among us will fall for it.  The rest of us watch Fox News Channel and read Sun Media papers (which doesn’t include the Vancouver Sun), and of course they read my blog. 

But memo to liberal media:  for future reference, the fair and balanced way to have printed that phrase in the headline would have been:  “…anti gay-marriage”—note the hyphen and where it is, and the addition of the word “marriage”.  Or better yet, conservatives aren’t “anti” anything of the sort, but rather in favor of simply leaving the law the way it is right now.  Do try to at least pretend to be balanced.  Still looking for pictures of traditional families and couples not blocking someone else’s freedoms.  They must be around here somewhere…

And the “Tory” in the headline is a red Tory, deputy party leader Peter MacKay, who is really a liberal from the Progressive Conservative Party days of yesterday.  He says he fears such a policy (“anti-gay”!) could play into hands of opponents.  No word was possible to obtain, apparently, from even one of the many full-on conservatives who, like me, favor among other things like fiscal conservatism, traditional families and marriages, and other dumb things like “life”.  (But you see, the “Pink Panthers” aren’t “extreme”, I am!) 

Even as the Liberal Party convention ended with the passage of motions to legalize prostitution, pot-smoking, and gay ‘marriage’, apparently the conservatives aren’t allowed to be in favor of anything like traditional families or marriages—no, not even according to “conservatives” like the deputy leader of the party. 

MONTREAL—Delegates to this weekend’s Conservative convention here should oppose a resolution that would enshrine as party policy leader Stephen Harper’s anti-gay [note the position of the hyphen —ed] marriage stand, deputy leader Peter MacKay said Thursday.

MacKay, despite joining Harper and the majority of caucus MPs in opposing Liberal legislation to legalize same-sex marriage, said he is concerned that such a policy could be used by opponents who label Tories intolerant.

…and then his right foot said MEOW! 

Some people confuse the word “intolerant” with “disagreeing”, or with “being against the further liberalization of Canada”.  Too bad for them.  They’re ignorant of common sense.  They’re liberals.  I’ll stay up here at my level rather than sink to theirs.  The notion of being tolerant doesn’t necessitate, surely, the notion of losing one’s mind and quitting the notion of critically thinking.  I’m tolerant of sensible, logical, scientifically correct, moral views.  I’m not tolerant of every single inane thing that any nut that comes along demands that I tolerate.  Fair, strong, honest leaders would explain that to Canadians and bring them on-side.  To the right side.

Joel Johannesen
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