Tuesday, May 21, 2024

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So left they don’t know how left they are anymore (or worse, they do know)—PART ONE

Three creepy propaganda items I took note of during the Christmas holidays.  There were many more.  I can’t keep up.  Here’s PART ONE
(Here’s Part Two  |  Here’s Part Three)

Canada is “cool” because it’s so left wing.  I did not know that.
Daphne Bramham, a Vancouver Sun columnist, in her year-end “The year Canada becomes cool” column, passes off a short list of things she thinks will make Canada “cool” in 2010. 

Being perceived as “cool” in Europe and Yemen is so very important to all liberals.  We saw lots of examples of this drive to “coolness” after a year of President Obama, and watching and cringing over his several apologies and exceedingly deep, butt-revealing bows to the greatness of any-damn-thing-that-isn’t-American tours —all seemingly designed to do nothing more than make America appear “cooler” in the imageeyes of the effete Euroliberals, Arabs and Muslims generally, and of course radical jihadist Islamists.  That he failed utterly, is actually a good thing. 

Among the “cool” things in the lefty world of someone like Bramham:  She blithely lists a couple of what I would call communist agitprops, Naomi Klein and Joel Bakan, as prescient and heroic but otherwise utterly normal “writers and intellectuals”, to use her words, suggesting they were ahead of the recent high-speed curve to the yummy political left, in forewarning us all and especially the other like-mindeds who gobble this stuff up — like the left-wing statists and nanny-staters and government-growers — that evil banks need tough, and still tougher government regulations with which to somehow tame them and stifle them lest they go crazy with all that wacky capitalism here in Canada.  And by implication, it’s because of all these state-mandated regulations championed by the likes of the fantastic Naomi Klein and Joel Bakan and Jack Layton and Hugo Chavez and Karl Marx (may he rest in peace) that we as a nation somehow managed to fumble our way through the global financial crisis …better than the silly U.S..  Thus helping make us “cool” for 2010! 

I imagine those two extreme leftists (whom she describes in CBC-style, without politically-identifying labels, as merely “writers and intellectuals”) wouldn’t bat an eye if you called them communists (particularly Klein).  Or at best they’d deny it and lay claim only to being socialists (which we are to take as being totally different);  and then question you as to what on earth is so wrong with communism anyway, since, they’ll contend, “capitalism is destroying the world”, or words to that effect.  But to Bramham, they’re cast as totally normal and mainstream and any political label or context as to their extreme leftism is entirely unnecessary.  And that’s to say nothing about the fact that she’s betraying herself here as utterly simplistic and bereft of any real understanding of the root causes of the financial turmoil, which was and is in fact liberal-thinking governments, and left-wing “writers and intellectuals” like Naomi Klein and Joel Bakan.  I guess maybe she thinks socialism and being dumb is also “cool”!

Next on her list is Greenpeace and the Sea Shepard Society, which are actually national embarrassments, but which even objective liberal folks know are at least extreme left-wing radicals.  Not to Bramham.  They’re “cool”!

Then it’s on to “BC Bud”, which some of the “cool” set know is the very potent and of course illegal and disaster-causing and family-busting drug (pot) that the kids — and I guess Daphne Bramham — so love and admire …as “cool”! 

Then of course as any leftist would, it’s props to the liberal-leftist and arguably liberal-fascist “human rights” industry and presumably their “commissions” that she sees as helping make us “cool”.  And the state-sanctioned pumping of drugs into heroin addicts as a part of what is possibly one of the world’s stupidest and most immoral taxpayer-paid social programs (besides abortions in Canada, which surprisingly she didn’t mention) —is “cool”!  And as if I had to tell you, it’s also the liberals’ sacred same sex “marriage” which was foisted on our country.  How “cool”! 

The year Canada becomes cool
By Daphne Bramham, The Vancouver Sun January 4, 2010 10:27 AM

…Our politicians watched cautiously from the sidelines as the rest of the world raced to deregulate and embrace the mysteries of financial instruments that no one could explain. Preserving our financial system, Canadians were largely spared the worst ravages of the global meltdown and our banking system is now the envy of the developed world.

But long before that happened, Canadian writers and intellectuals such as Naomi Klein and Joel Bakan raised alarms and rallied others to warn of the dangers.

Before “environmentalist,” “ global warming” and “climate change” were coined, Greenpeace and the Sea Shepherd Society were actively and aggressively challenging the status quo.

Others have pushed for further decriminalization of the legendary B.C. bud, safe injection sites and human rights.

In 2005, Canada became one of the first countries to legalize same-sex marriage.  …

I can’t believe she left out Canada’s North Korean-style “health care” system.  It’s so “cool”! 

imageBut she did see fit to mention both at the beginning and end of her piece, that just like her Barack Obama, Canada is “cool” mostly because like Obama, we Canadians apologize for everything

I think she’s suffering from brain freeze.

Joel Johannesen
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