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NDP-speaker and labor leader sounds like a communist to me

One of the NDP’s favorite scions (or is it the other way around?), and one of the owners of the you’ve got to be kidding party, B.C. Federation of Labour president Jim Sinclair, sounds like a communist to me.  He’s always a huge star at all you’ve got to be kidding party’s conventions, where the NDP members go ape-poop and cheer wildly at anything like the kind of extreme left wing fundamentalist nonsense which he screeched at this past weekend’s meeting of BC’s extreme left, thus earning him our PTBC Socialist-Communist Of The Week Award:


”We need to get that wealth back from the people who can most afford it.”


“Some people say we should make agreements with these [business] people. … They don’t believe in what we believe in. They don’t have the same values as us, sisters and brothers.”

This is pure Marxist wealth redistribution and class warfare fundamentalist theology.  He sounds like a bad combination of Karl Marx, Che Guevara, and Hugo Chavez, with the modern twist of Van Jones, poorly served up in an attempt at aping Reverend Jeremiah Wright at one of his cult meetings.  Or like a speaker at any typical NDP convention.  “Sisters and brothers”.



From: Bruce
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 9:48 PM
Subject: Jim Sinclair


Those two quotes by Jim Sinclair sound just like something that would have come out of the mouth of Arthur Scargill, head of the National Union of Mineworkers in Britain during the Thatcher years.

He also just happened to be a member of the Young Communist League in his tender years..!!!

Lucky for Britain, they had Maggie…..she basically put an end to his power during the miner’s strike of 1984-85.



Joel Johannesen
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