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83% of Americans know: the deficit is due to politicians’ gutless refusal to cut spending

Actually I’m not sure it’s “gutless” as much as it is “ideological” and “purposeful” and “part of their agenda”, or to use their word, “progressive”

The tin ear President and his liberal-dominated Congress and their supporters in media and elsewhere should all have a cup of tea at one of the tea parties and sit there listening carefully, instead of mocking the participants from on high and calling them all “teabaggers” and “Nazis” and “right-wing neocon idiots”, etc. 

83% Blame Deficit on Politicians’ Unwillingness To Cut Spending

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Eighty-three percent (83%) of Americans say the size of the federal budget deficit is due more to the unwillingness of politicians to cut government spending than to the reluctance of taxpayers to pay more in taxes.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that just nine percent (9%) of adults put more blame on the unwillingness of taxpayers to pay more in taxes.

Ninety-four percent (94%) of Republicans and 91% of voters not affiliated with either major party place the blame on politicians, and two-thirds (66%) of Democrats agree.

Just 11% of all voters now think the government spends taxpayers’ money wisely and well. Seventy-eight percent (78%) do not believe that to be true.

Again, 90% or more of GOP voters and unaffiliateds don’t think the government handles taxpayers’ money well, compared to 54% of Democrats. …

The president on Monday released a proposed $3.8 trillion budget for the coming fiscal year, which includes a largest-ever $1.56-trillion deficit.


Joel Johannesen
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