Among other things, 2008 was the year that the “Man-Made Global Warming” pretense finally collapsed. Facts didn’t live up to well-manipulated, totally faulty “computer models” and brazenly stupid, fallacious assumptions. And the liberal mainstream media and their agenda-driven propaganda (aided and abetted by all liberal and leftist politicians and their army of useful idiots) was mocked, if only quietly, by actual scientists who, in the hundreds or thousands, signed their names (quietly, and of course not well-reported) to scientific papers and various protestations, putting the lie to any notion of the Orwellian, so-called “scientific consensus”. That science has been so used and abused in this way by agenda-driving political ideologues of all sorts—so brazenly and openly—that it has diminished the credibility of whole industries and of whole fields of study and indeed of the promoter-in-chief, the United Nations (as if it even had any credibility). It will take decades to repair the damage that the lies of the left have caused.
Another pretense that collapsed — partly as a result of the “Man Made Global Warming” deception and partly as a result of national elections here and in the U.S. in which the media were so in the tank for Barack Obama that they literally didn’t even pretend they weren’t — was the still commonly but falsely held belief (already well-deprecated by conservatives and other sensible people among us) that the mainstream media is even remotely “objective”, “unbiased”, “fair”, or “balanced”. The mainstream media have finally, for all of those who have an intellect sharper than a ping-pong ball, revealed themselves to be not just “liberal”, as even the most liberal have already acknowledged, but overtly anti-conservative, often anti-Christian, and often fully liberal-left or even full-on Fabian socialist or Marxist agenda drivers. As liars or liars by omission. People who can’t be trusted to present news or information in anything like a fair, balanced, and objective manner. It is now well established that what we see in most newspapers and on most TV news is almost entirely the liberal-left view of the news and issues—without the intellectual counterbalance of conservative views. We now know that in order to learn the “other side” of the issues, we must turn to a very few select sources, like Fox News Channel which welcomes views and perspectives from both sides of issues, the Washington Times, the Wall Street Journal, and a few good non-mainstream web sites.
We also started to learn the truth about economics. Free-market capitalism has been under attack by the left for decades as they tried, and failed again, to quash it by incessantly stymieing it through government interventions and regulations and by poking sticks in it in every way possible; and then when it stumbles and falls, as it has, to blame it all on capitalism itself, in some sort of twisted, circular, logical fallacy. They then further exacerbated their fallacy by using the opportunity to so openly reveal their real, erstwhile largely hidden agenda: their zeal to replace capitalism; to nationalize companies and services —or government “regulate” them to the extent that the difference is negligible. They seek to use this latest cyclical economic trough as nothing but yet another “opportunity” (as President-elect Barack Obama’s aid Rahm Emanuel actually admitted, actually using the word “opportunity”), to more fully foist their specious “progressive”, statist, interventionist government policies and theories down our throats—not because that’s what works (as history has proven already) or because that’s what the people demand (quite the opposite according to all the polls), but simply to advance their left-wing political and ideological goals. It will take decades to undo—if it is possible at all—that which is being done and that which is yet to be done over the course of just the next few weeks and months by liberals and the statist-thinking and self-centered labor unions and Keynesians and socialists, and the great many non-thinkers.
Liberals and further leftists in Canada were also more fully revealed this year as bombastic, undemocratic elitists who know it all better than “regular” Canadians do; and as ideological warriors— and bad ones at that—who enjoy little more than finding new and exciting ways of securing the power which they so need and to which they feel so entitled. They provoked a near constitutional crisis and a political crisis and a crisis of confidence in our very nation’s governmental structure and a crisis of our global reputation in our country, in the midst of a historic global economic crisis, in lieu of simply accepting that a Conservative government was democratically elected. They, too, saw the missed “opportunity”—to their way of thinking—of invoking their socialist policies and state interventions on the nation at this crucial time of economic crisis—this time of “opportunity”—and they just couldn’t take it. They declared class warfare, language warfare, political warfare, regional warfare, inter-industry warfare, internal conflict within their own parties, and general strife, harming even our well-earned international reputation as a stable country led by mature, intelligent, adults. That they did it so feebly and fumbled it so hideously, spoke to their lack of intellectual core and moreover, their dearth of principle.
Sarah Palin unwittingly exposed what has for decades been falsely held up to be mainstream “feminism” and the penumbra of the common liberal or “progressive” movement— that “big tent” which now also (and predictably) consists of a large cadre of unprincipled far-leftists and hypocrites and fascists and extremists of all sorts and, notably, pro-abortion militants, some just chock full of rage and abject hatred and intolerance and lack of compassion for those—innocent though they are—who dared cross them and their far-left world view. Such as Sarah Palin’s Down’s Syndrome baby. So enraged were they with this exemplary, formidable, principled, remarkable woman, Sarah Palin, and the risk she represented by exposing them and their inadequacies and as the farce that they are, that they risked—or even ditched completely—all pretense of professional or even personal credibility, reputation, principle, and standing in their respective political communities—all in order to stop her. And they did it by way of the most intellectually dishonest, vacuous means: by cheaply mocking her and lying about her and deriding her and marginalizing her, as best they could (which was horribly), such that in the end, Palin could not rise to a place of power in society or even in the Zeitgeist. She and her running mate nonetheless came delightfully close despite the Obama fanaticism in the media, which is another story purposely left untold by the Obamatons in the media and the left generally.
Sarah Palin revealed so much of the left—their media, the political parties of the left, the various left-wing movements: anti-corporates and “feminists” and corrupt politicians and pro-abortionists militants and more —that she will be among the most important figures of this decade or more. She’s the North American or even the world’s “person of the year”, pace Time magazine and their obvious choice.
I have tried to help expose the liberal-left as the farce that they are once again this year. But once again they did it better than I could have.
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