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Canadian Press thinks live human embryos are a “religious ideology”

Is the apparently anti-Christian Canadian Press—and therefore all the liberals’ media which carry their ridiculous “news” stories— misleading Canadians and attempting to drive an agenda?  They can’t be anti-Christian and liars.  They’re the media!  So I’ll believe they are not for now. 

“…Leaders in the stem cell research community found themselves battling conflicting emotions – joy that American colleagues were shaking off the yoke of religious ideology and apprehension that with new political support and infusions of stimulus cash, American research institutions may soon siphon off some of Canada’s best talent…”
Canadian Press story at today

And here I thought it was a scientific fact that live human embryos are live humans.  I didn’t know that humans are a “religious ideology”.  Or is it just the very young ones who are an “ideology”?  Maybe old ones too?  And the diseased ones.  And the “unwanted ones” that get aborted — sorry “pro-choiced” — all day long too, I suppose.  And the oldies.  OK well hey, how about Christians then?!  They must be a “religious ideology”! 

By the way I also don’t see religion—at least Christianity—as anything like a “yoke”, Canadian Press.  I see you do though.  How sad for you.  And intolerant.  And un-inclusive.  And marginalizing.  And un-nuanced.  And anti-intellectual.  And that ain’t liberal, I thought!  But what a nice, extraordinarily revealing (if unwitting) insight into your thinking, Canadian Press!  Here’s a real scoop for you in the ignorant set:  I see my Christianity as exactly the opposite of a “yoke”.  It actually sets me free

And speaking of “free” as apposed to being enslaved….

The overriding reaction was one of excitement, Bhatia and others insisted, that U.S. colleagues were being freed to play a leading role in the search to find ways to harness the regenerative promise of stem cells.

Well that would be a cause for celebration if in fact it were true instead of a lie.  All conservatives like me and former President Bush believe in people’s freedoms.  Like the freedom of innocent humans to live, for example.  Oh and also, scientists in the U.S. were always free to study whatever they wanted to study, including EMBRYONIC stem cells, Canadian Press.  President Bush was not enslaving them. 

Or are we to think that the lack of federal taxpayer funding is the new slavery now?  Is this really the new standard moving forward?  Lack of government funding and involvement in scientific research on principled grounds is not a “restriction” on life now, is it?  Seems to me, certainly in this case, it is exactly the opposite of a restriction on life!  By anyway.  Life, shmife.  Am I right Canadian Press? 

No, CP, your man Barack Hussein Obama did not “free” anybody.  He is not, in fact, a modern day Abraham Lincoln.  In fact millions of taxpayers who are revolted by the thought of slaughtering innocent human lives at the embryonic stage will now be forced to fork over a part of their income to satisfy a pure left-wing political agenda which offends them in every conceivable (choice word!) way.  That’s more like real slavery, to me.  That’s more like a modern day Joseph Stalin. 

Like the CBC did yesterday, Canadian Press, in their story today, pretend there’s no difference between EMBRYONIC stem cell research, and ADULT stem cell research, and pretend that President Obama yesterday lifted a ban on stem cell research when in fact it’s a phantom ban.  So it’s a lie.  Adult stem cell research has been ongoing for years, as has embryonic stem cell research.  Only embryonic stem cell research has been restricted as to federal taxpayer funding, owing to the scientific—not religious—fact that it involves live human embryos.  Corporate and private citizens’ funding is and always has been allowed, and the fact that it hasn’t been forthcoming is reason enough to not fund it with taxpayer dollars (but most liberals and all socialists and communists see this in the exact opposite way). 

And in fact, government funding of a scientifically controversial—yes, scientifically controversial—is not very sound science if you ask me, and is actually pure politics — left-wing politics — terrible politics — not science.

Moreover, and this speaks directly to the “art” of journalism: any news story on an issue of extreme controversy, as this one is, which includes, as this one does, only one side—the thoughts only of embryonic stem cell research boosters and extremists whose “overriding reaction was one of excitement”— is the very worst possible kind of agenda-driven news journalism.  And science.  And politics.  And that’s not just another of of those ever so ridiculous “religious ideologies” that should be summarily ignored in the face of all your sound “science”, Canadian Press.   

Also see this article today at media research center:
CBS Claims Obama Overturned Stem Cell ‘Ban;’ Makes Correction

At the top of Monday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Julie Chen incorrectly declared: “Reversing course. President Obama lifts the ban on embryonic stem cell research today…But is the President going far enough?” During the later segment, co-host Maggie Rodriguez had to offer a correction: “And we should say, this under President Bush was not banned or illegal, except now we’re getting federal funding…”

Also see from yesterday:
CBC’s reporter Paul Hunter misleads Canadians re EMBRYONIC stem cell research

And these from prior days:
Media continues its lies re stem cell research; deceivingly invoking “Obama” as a savior of science
• And this column by Susan Martinuk:  Results, not Bush, slowed embryonic stem cell research

Joel Johannesen
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