Yeah… check Butts’ Twitter account….


The Privy Council Clerk Michael Wernick — who is increasingly appears throughout these hearings to be extremely elitist and self-involved, to say nothing of being somewhat paranoid and conspiratorial — claims social media is replete with “intimidation of witnesses.” He wanted documents supposedly alluding to this claim tabled prior to his testimony. This is apparently all with regard to his earlier testimony which he referred to assassinations, social media out of control, and foreign interference in elections.

Mr. Wernick, here’s a clue: trolling politicians on Twitter — and their trolling back — is not remotely comparable to witness tampering nor election meddling by foreign governments (aka RUSSIA!!!!). And it is not likely to cause an assassination.

Maybe Wernick feels there should be a Twitter and Facebook and blog and news blackout of government until Justin Trudeau and the Liberals are rehabilitated and doing better in the polls.

Oh and also, ask conservative Twitter regulars about prolific Twitterer and smug, rude, arrogant insulter Gerald Butts and his Twitter account attacks on conservatives. Gerald Butts, of the Prime Minister’s Office. The leader of a national government. Go ahead and ask. Seriously. Put THOSE tweets on the record.

Joel Johannesen
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