We’re number one! No sorry, FORTY-one!


Bloomberg provides the bad Wuhan China virus (they call it “Covid-19” for some new, illogical reason) vaccination stats for Canada and the world, and sees us just edging out Bangladesh for “doses administered” (America is #1 in the world thanks to an Olympian effort to develop and administer the vaccines over the past year). In that “doses administered” race, we place 20th in the world. Which is dismal. But what medal do you get for placing 41st? That’s where we place for people “fully vaccinated.” 41st in the world.

At the site you have to click the “Show more” button to get down to Canada on the chart because Lithuania, the last one of the page, beats us by a mile. And when you do click it…

…You still can’t find Canada. Canada still doesn’t make it onto the extended “Show more” page, with Brazil beating us out. And at the rate Brazil is vaccinating (497,500 people per day, compared to our 145,020 per day), they are going to embarrass us even more very soon.

You have to click the “Show all” button (below Brazil) to find Canada on the list. When you have to click “Show all,” then you don’t show your gammy. I mean assuming she’s still alive.

So finally we find Canada in 41st, nestled under the great powers Croatia and Costa Rica. The good news is we beat wealthy Bulgaria.

Canada places 41st among countries "fully vaccinated", as of March 26, 2021

Too bad Canada is now a country replete with government hacks who let no crisis go to waste, and as a result are now fully addicted to centralizing and concentrating power and control and issuing authoritarian orders abridging our freedoms more and more based not on science but on politics and that quest for power; and wrecking our businesses, our economy, and much of our lives in the process.

And too bad we’re led by a prime minister who constantly browbeats his own country into believing we’re a “systemic racist” country — an issue which necessarily zaps so much of what’s left of our diminished energy.

And too bad it’s a country with such an outsized obsession with fighting (a purposely overblown estimation of) global climate change, which also zaps so much of our energy (literally and figuratively).

And a country which still spends so much time virtue-signaling to the woke idiocrasy. And spending any time and money whatsoever on banning and forcibly seizing only the guns owned by good innocent law-abiding citizens despite the logic and the science which solidly contraindicates any such authoritarian nonsense.

And a country whose leadership is utterly obsessed with the now-routine task of finding news ways to shovel taxpayer cash out the door for all manner of ideologically liberal-left culture-changing values, and social engineering dictates, and government and power-building edicts.

Because otherwise we’d have more time to deal with these Olympian life and death issues like, you know, real life and death issues.

Our poor performance certainly isn’t for lack of spending taxpayer cash, that’s for sure. I’m pretty sure we can just ask Bangladesh about that, since they have administered some half million more vaccinations that Canada to date.

Joel Johannesen
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