T.G.I. Friday Newsquips


Updated through the day… refresh the page… comment … breathe…

imageimage1. NO SOUP FOR YOU!  He’s not the soup Nazi.  He’s Obama.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that.  But apparently, according to Drudge Report, some find there’s something wrong with not actively promoting him in the media.  Obama has allegedly taken to kicking any reporters who aren’t on board the good ship Obama and endorsing him —off his luxury campaign jet, in these last days of the campaign.  Three reporters were kicked off the campaign ostensibly because their newspapers endorsed McCain—perhaps the only three in the nation who did.  Word has it they will be replaced with reporters from the black media—“Jet” and “Essence”—and possibly other media that are totally in the tank for Obama like the adoring CBS news anchor Katie Couric.  … Maybe the CBC and CTV and the National Post and the rest of Canada’s adoring media can at least get seats in the back of the plane…

2. Like a little bit of the Soviet Union right here in Canada.  That’s what I call Saskatchewan, but it can also be applied to our health care system, which I otherwise make a point of calling our “North Korean-style health care system”, manifestly on the basis that it is exactly like that in almost every way.  On Canada’s state-owned, state-run media today, the CBC, they are reporting that a state-run, state-owned Saskatchewan hospital has been caught reusing syringes.  Just like they were caught in Alberta. … Maybe the state should get some syringes from “Insite” in Vancouver where the druggies get them for free (well, “free” inasmuch as taxpayers paid for them).

imageimage3. Weird headlines:  Son of former PM Brian Mulroney, Ben Mulroney, got married.  See how I said it?  He got married.  It’s how people say it.  CBC, however, says it like this:  “Ben Mulroney becomes a married man”.  It’s like saying to your friend—or your readers, “Mary’s become a pregnant woman”.  Who says that?  For their part, the Vancouver Sun headlines it: “Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mulroney.”  Huh?  (And is that kind of talk allowed still in “progressive” liberal-left Canada?  Isn’t it “Ben Mulroney of unknown sexual origin and it really doesn’t matter and the personage known as partner “unit a” in the contractual arrangement, and new current life partner “unit b”, Jessica Brownstein of a similarly non-descript sex”?  Or “Mr. and Mizzz Jessica Brownstein-dash-Mulroney”, at least?)

imageimage 4. ♥Obama♥… He’s the “post-partisan” presidential candidate!  By golly, he’s “beyond politics!”  He’s about the “unity” and “bipartisanship” and “reaching across the aisle”!  Therefore, word on the street is that the über partisan Republican hater, Democratic Party’s Illinois Representative Rahm Emanuel, vitriolic potty-mouth, is being vetted by The Great Obama as Obama’s Chief of Staff in an Obama White House.  Emanuel once told his staff that Republicans could “Go f—- themselves!” (—Naftali Bendavid, “The House That Rahm Built,” Chicago Tribune, 11/12/06).  He makes Obama’s attack dog Biden seem like a pussy. … Things will certainly “change” once the campaign is over, and Obama can be himself again.

5.   How am I supposed to know anybody’s reading this?  And supports it?

image 6.   VERY COOL… I’m watching FoxNews.com’s “Strategy Room” online.  It’s an online, live, real time streaming video “channel” from FNC’s new digital studio where you can watch the Fox News Channel newsies (hosts and hostesses and reporters and staff and producers talk about the stories they’re working on, and ones they’ve got, how they’re covering them, … it’s all live and unscripted… they blow their noses, get up and go to the washroom, argue, shout…  show potential news clips to each other… screen potential YouTube videos for air… people drop by … so far no nudity…. Either watch it in your browser or download the free Adobe video watching tool thingy (I did).  … Interesting techno note:  They have a TV (tuned to Fox News Channel of course) in the background, and it’s actually about 1.5 seconds ahead of my own TV.


Joel Johannesen
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