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Sunday, February 23, 2025
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Socialists make another attempt to re-educate and re-engineer your mind

Just yesterday, the state-owned CBC called the tea party movement in the U.S. “the far-right tea party,” clearly toeing to the left-wing talking points line, and nefariously trying to slot the tea party’s place on the political spectrum (incorrectly). As if the state-owned, taxpayer-funded CBC knows squat about where the tea party patriots fall on the political spectrum, from the CBC’s far-left, literally socialism-reliant perch.

Note that the editorial remark was in the context of a news report. A news report.

Later yesterday, the leftist CBC introduced an interview with the extreme left-wing Council of Canadians, describing them only as “a national citizens interest group.” No specifics as to their place on the political spectrum, because of course they are left-wing extremists. They are overtly socialists.

I tweeted (typo should be ignored if you love me):

And yes, the Fraser Institute is called “right-wing,” at the CBC, as if you had to ask. I’ve documented this countless times over the years. Here’s a graphical example of how the CBC describes the Fraser Institute in their online “news” reports:

CBC thinks Canadians need to be warned against conservatives, but not socialists

CBC thinks Canadians need to be warned against conservatives, but not socialists

CBC thinks Canadians need to be warned against conservatives, but not socialists

CBC thinks Canadians need to be warned against conservatives, but not socialists

CBC thinks Canadians need to be warned against conservatives, but not socialists

CBC thinks Canadians need to be warned against conservatives, but not socialists

CBC thinks Canadians need to be warned against conservatives, but not socialists

CBC thinks Canadians need to be warned against conservatives, but not socialists

Another left-wing extremist group, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (where the “alternative” is socialism), is almost always described by the CBC as completely politically benign. Here’s an example of that:

CBC thinks Canadians need to be warned against conservatives, but not socialists

CBC thinks Canadians need to be warned against conservatives, but not socialists

CBC thinks Canadians need to be warned against conservatives, but not socialists

CBC thinks Canadians need to be warned against conservatives, but not socialists

CBC thinks Canadians need to be warned against conservatives, but not socialists

I found one instance in which the CBC declared them as “left-leaning”. Left leaning? They are socialists. If socialism is “left leaning”, then I’m a “barely moderate center-right sort of progressive-conservative guy.”

On a related matter, I also tweeted yesterday over my amazement that left-wing extremists like the self-described socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (Democrat of course) was on the CBC’s privately-owned American counterpart, MSNBC, spouting about the “right-wing extremists” in the Republican Party. That’s right, a left-wing extremist in the Democratic Party — a socialist — was on TV bashing so-called “right-wing extremists” over the government shutdown (which occurred to stymie the onslaught of left-wing extremist (socialist) policies).

I tweeted:

Then a former federal NDP candidate, Peter Thurley replied “they are”:

I later tweeted:

I tried to clarify with Peter Thurley that if he thinks tea party folks are “right-wing extremists,” does he think socialists are therefore “left-wing extremists.” After much prodding for an answer he clearly felt uncomfortable about giving, he replied “They’re not.”

So Peter Thurley, who is a member of the socialist NDP, thinks socialists in the Democratic Party are not left-wing extremists, but thinks tea party members in the Republican Party are in fact “right-wing extremists.” (Bonus: the irony of an extreme left-winger like Bernie Sanders calling anybody “extreme” anything, particularly on the ever-so moderate MSNBC.) Point is, Peter Thurley apparently thinks socialists are just plain old middle-of-the-road moderates. This indicates his place on the political spectrum, and trust me from an intellectually honest standpoint — it isn’t anywhere near the moderate middle.

So he’s much like the CBC in that regard. Trying to re-align the political spectrum such that conservatives are “far-right” and “extremists” or “radicals,” and socialists and (in the case of the CBC anyway) eco-terrorists are “moderates” or are at least unremarkable (ref this article).

Back to today: later this morning, the state-owned, socialism-reliant CBC had to get some more far-left feedback, to counter the merely left-wing feedback they’d been getting, this time with regard to the new European Union-Canada free trade deal. Who ya gonna call? That’s right, the extreme left-wing Council of Canadians, which is, like all socialists, against it. The CBC introduced the guest as being from “The Council of Canadians.” Just “The Council of Canadians.”


Here’s some old related articles you might like:

  1. CBC reports on far-left Cdn. Centre for Policy Alternatives; Not left-wing.
  2. Anchor of CBC’s oxymoronic “Business” segment calls Can. Centre for Policy Alternatives “left-wing”!
  3. Obama bows to ChiCom leader, hugs socialist Brazilian, puts finger in face of Canadian PM
  4. Extreme leftist Libby Davies now a Liberal! This according to Canadian Press and Toronto Sun.
Joel Johannesen
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