On a CBC.ca news story regarding the GOP presidential nomination race heading for southern states in early March, I quote, verbatim, a CBC reader’s comment:
“…The only thing that the right wing, gun toting, segregationist loving, religious zealot, evangelical crackpots in the deep South want, is to vote for somebody, anybody, including that female political rocket scientist, Sarah PALIN, who will promise them that they will defeat President Obama and get that annoying uppity non-American born Muslim Black man out of the Oval office as soon as possible! …”
Well at least he’s not a “zealot” or a “crackpot.”
I wonder where this guy’s politics lay. Hmm. I doubt he’s a conservative. And probably not a Christian. Hey he just might be: liberal or leftist or progressive or Marxist or racist or an ass. Or a combo thereof. He certainly is, to use his own words, a “[male] political rocket scientist.”
The problem, or one of them, is that this comment was not an isolated example that I worked hard to dig-up and pounce on to make an example of, as I’m often accused of doing by those charming socialists and CBC suck-ups. No, your eyes pretty much trip over this crap. It’s replete with similar examples. Yes, a huge percentage of the CBC’s fans are almost identical in every way.
The problem, among others, is that this seems to be the culture that the CBC has whipped-up, over the years. It has attracted left-wing intolerant and anti-American and anti-Christian and anti-conservative haters like this from across the land. Which is sort of the opposite of what I thought the CBC was supposed to be about.
Here’s what another said: “The battle of the lunatics. A catholic and a mormon.” Now that’s some of that famous liberal left religious tolerance and love of freedom, right there.
Another: “…land of religious nuts.”
Another: “… stark raving lunatics we can safely assume that they are all nuts….”
This is on Canada’s state-owned, state-funded national web site. This represents Canada to the world. And teachers use that web site as a teaching aid in classrooms. The CBC encourages that. It’s fantastic.
Their abject bias and hate aside, as I have done for the past two hundred years, I will repeat my sage mantra: What kind of government competes against its own citizens in business for profits, especially in the forum of ideas, in entertainment, and more particularly, in news and politics? State-owned media should be banned by the people of this country, and that notion enshrined in the constitution.
Or vote for liberals and progressives. And get more of this.*
* I remind readers that the Conservative Party fully backs the state-owned media — the CBC — and has stated so many times. The minister in charge at the moment, Heritage Minister James Moore, is particular fond of the state-owned media, and is a staunch defender of it. For example, he once blew me off on Twitter when I nudged him specifically about another of his tweets regarding his impending appearances on the CBC, once again from the CBC studios. This time he was going there specifically so he could comment on the Oscars, or some other such matter of eminent importance. He came back on Twitter with a dismissive tweet about it not taking much time at all, and ending with a delightful “yawn.” Which I think is diplomatic talk for “screw you, you boring idiot.”
- Proud To Be Canadian. But Maybe Not. - Tuesday December 17, 2024 at 2:07 pm
- Say something. - Friday October 25, 2024 at 6:03 pm
- Keep going, or veer right - Monday August 26, 2024 at 4:30 pm
The moderation of readers by CBC has become so severe and limiting that Canadians no longer effectively have access to participating in the dialogue following the stories which affect us all. Canadians who pay a billion dollars a year for this organization are getting a poor return on their investment, and while our Charter or Rights allows us the privilege of free speech, and one would think the national broadcaster’s stories would be an opportunity for Canadians to engage in a dialogue, the opportunity has been throttled back to a trickle. How do they do this? (1) by imposing a highly censored filter on anything which challenges the ideas being put forward by the main published story itself. If it is any way critical of content of the CBC story, for example by pointing to elements that have a contentious nature, or by challenging the ‘sources’ of their story, chances are you’ll be filtered out. (2) by slowing the publishing of comments to a point that it takes hours (4,5,6) for comments to even appear. By doing this they deliberately discourage interest and the following of the conversation among Canadians that follows the story. (3) by squeezing the window of opportunity to comment down from days to what appears to be only hours now .. readers have little opportunity to get involved with the ‘small’ window of time that is available to participate. It has perhaps gotten worse since some of the implementation of Harper’s C-51 began to kick in, and so any challenging of the official story (which has been proven so many times to be absolutely false, misleading disinformation and propaganda), any contest to the narrative which is presented by the story, is quickly removed. Mark Twain once said that “If you don’t read the news paper, you’re uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you’re misinformed.” The appearance of alternative sources of news has been a major challenge to the MSM, but they have been the cause of their own demise through the telling of their false narratives. Many readers responding on this issue have said that the ‘reader comments’ were the best part of CBC stories, because it was in there that one could read the pulse of the Canadian people. It’s true; the comments have often been the best part of the story, with frequently better crafted, more insightful, intelligent writing. It’s criminal that Canadians are moderated by a company in another part of the world, too (I.C.U.C.) .. this company is utterly failing in it’s responsibility to Canadians ‘and’ the CBC .. their moderation is driving readers away. CBC fails Canadians once again by imposing this draconian control over the publishing of reader comments, and this militant censoring of reader feedback. It’s offensive, and a lot of people are abandoning the broadcaster for this reason alone. I certainly am. Canadians would be far better served if the billion dollars a year that goes into this white elephant were spent on something more worthwhile. Shut CBC down; they are not worth it any more.