Saturday, September 7, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Marco Misinformer

Lots of tweets this morning about Marco (“Misinformer”) Mendicino, the unofficial Minister of Disinformation and Misinformation as I now call him, and as lots of progressive-weary people (and people who value honesty and integrity, but I repeat myself) are now calling him.

I also read a piece in the National Post by Tristin Hopper that pretty well encapsulates Mendicin’s list of recent lies (and even leaves a few out, no doubt), and I featured my fave this morning:

Speaking of progressives’ ongoing lies: Another one that caught my eye this morning was this one:

The truth about forest fires goes up in climate-change smoke | Financial Post

…Unfortunately, politicians, reporters and climate activists rushed in to exploit this unusual event by pushing their agenda. They made a lot of glib claims about climate change causing wildfires to become more common. For instance, Prime Minister Trudeau tweeted: “We’re seeing more and more of these fires because of climate change.”

That statement is false. Amid the smokescreen of untrue claims, nobody seems to have bothered looking up the numbers. Canadian forest fire data are available from the Wildland Fire Information System. Wildfires have been getting less frequent in Canada over the past 30 years. The annual number of fires grew from 1959 to 1990, peaking in 1989 at just over 12,000 that year, and has been trending down since. From 2017 to 2021 (the most recent interval available), there were about 5,500 fires per year, half the average from 1987 to 1991. …

Predictably, when I tweeted about it in a reply to a “news” media tweet — one of the many ongoing tweets in their misinformation campaign — thusly,

…the climate change alarmist progressives immediately attacked the messenger, as seen below, to which I was compelled to mock the attacker’s idiocy with even more facts:

Bonus update:


Joel Johannesen
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