Thursday, April 25, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Liberal leader of the Nation Of Quebec won’t testify re province’s pension plan “corporation” horror

Headline says “Charest won’t testify at Caisse de depot inquiry”

Not that this surprises me, but …. Why not?  The heads of the banks and the car companies all had to testify before Congress and Parliamentary committees.  The heads of governments and their hideous government so-called “corporations” and sundry subdivisions and secretariats and planning committees should be held to a higher standard, not a lower one.  You want to play in the private sector with our taxpayer money, you big-government know-it-alls?  Then take your licks just like us private-sector citizens have to.  Or you know, get out of business you have no business being in. (I prefer the latter option). 

Of course it was also reported that “Charest acknowledged today the government bears some of the responsibility for the instability at the Caisse.” 

How awfully big of him. 

And as if confirming my oft-repeated “state-owned, state-run”, badgering I most often associate with the CBC:  “He said his government will act quickly to name replacements for eight of 13 board members, a new chairman and a new president.” 

But don’t worry:  Bush is still responsible for the global financial collapse as a general matter.  And Harper too according to Genius Ignatieff. 

Joel Johannesen
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