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Get Back in the Kitchen

Dear UNC-Wilmington Students:

It’s getting close to time to start another semester. That means that it’s time to lay down the rules for all of my classes. I’m going to continue to use all the rules I’ve used before, which can be found in my syllabus. But, starting this semester, I’m adding three more rules. Feminist students need to pay especially close attention.

First of all, feminists will not be allowed to mention their status as feminists. A few semesters ago, a feminist student in one of my classes said – right in the middle of class, mind you – “I’m a feminist.” It offended me when she said that. That is why I am banning such statements for the duration of the semester. The simple awareness of the presence of feminists in my classes offends me. No other reason need be offered. Just shut up and comply with the rule.

Second of all, feminists will not be allowed to offer even mild criticisms of those who disagree with them. Last semester, a feminist student was talking to one of her friends when she said “I want abortion on demand. I hope the bigots will just keep their laws off my body.” Since I oppose abortion, for obvious religious reasons, it offended me when she made that statement. That is why I am banning any such statements for the duration of the semester. Even mild criticism of my beliefs offends me. No other reason need be offered. Just shut up and comply with the rule.

Finally, feminists will not be allowed to state their beliefs concerning the origins of human rights. Last semester, a feminist student said she supported abortion because she felt in her soul that a woman had a moral right to choose. It offended me when she said that. That is why I am banning such statements for the duration of the semester. I’m simply offended when people discuss their beliefs about the origins of human rights, especially when it entails discussing their feelings. No other reason need be offered. Just shut up and comply with the rule.

Hopefully, by now, most of you realize you are reading political satire. But that crucial fact – and the larger point of the satire – was lost on countless feminists across the nation. After reading only two paragraphs of this letter, which was posted in its entirety on, they began to fire off letters to the UNC-Wilmington administration demanding that I be fired.

Had the feminists taken the time to read this far they would have understood that a real letter of complaint was filed against me in January simply for a) mentioning my Christianity, b) offering very mild criticism of one assertion of Darwinism, and c) revealing a basic belief about the origins of human rights; namely, that they are endowed by a Creator.

It is sad that a college student would lack the maturity needed to hear someone say “I’m an outspoken Christian professor” without having an emotional breakdown. It is also sad that he was arrogant enough to write a letter of complaint to my Marxist chairwoman. I am simply not intimidated by anti-Christian bigots. Nothing short of a bullet in the head will keep me from professing my Christian beliefs. And most anti-Christian bigots don’t own guns.

It is also sad that the administration failed to reprimand the narrow-minded Marxist who expressed disappointment that the student’s letter would not result in a formal complaint. This is unmitigated bigotry, plain and simple. If I were not an adult, I would ague that it’s hate speech.

Of course, while sad, none of this is too surprising. This is an administration that removed the word “Christmas” from the tree and “Good Friday” from the university calendar. They even once tried to force faculty and staff to remove Bible verses from their university email signatures.

Nor is it surprising that feminists express outrage at satire more often than Christians express outrage at real persecution. That is because most feminists love their ideology more than most Christians love Christ. And that’s the saddest thing of all.

Mike S. Adams
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