UPDATED — Former PM Kim Campbell (now of the trendy new liberal-left) refuses to delete disgraceful tweet


This idiotic tweet should raise the level of discourse. Maybe she wants people to never vote for a woman, or a liberal, again. It’s the only plausible explanation I can muster. Short of a medical or mental issue.


[HERE IT IS IN CASE SHE DELETES IT — UPDATE: She appears to have — see below.]

I like this response (one of many thousands, rendering her tweet a total ratio-ed disaster):

I wonder if Konrad Yakabuski thinks she is “un-Canadian!” Janice Dean, the “weather machine” at Fox News Channel, doesn’t think she’s very “Canadian,” if that helps, Konrad:

And of course it’s quite a serious matter when someone with this lack of decency and propriety, a hideous lack of compassion, a lack of a basic human soul, and an obvious lack of internal editor, was hand-chosen by Justin Trudeau to be on his select committee of elitist asses to select Supreme Court nominees — to serve as chairman! — as this tweeter recognized:

What a disgrace.

Possibly deleted finally, as Twitter now displays a blank page. Glad I screen-captured the original tweet.

Her explanation should be interesting.

UPDATE 2: PHONY APOLOGY. Not Interesting at all.
Campbell deleted and “sincerely apologized” only to “all it offended.” Personally, for me it wasn’t that I was “offended,” because I can’t take people like her seriously. It was just that she demonstrated herself to be a petulant ass, and I exposed it for your edification. Nothing has changed here — or perhaps it’s even worse now. One time, Kim Campbell called President Trump a “Motherfu**er” in a tweet. She deleted that one too, and basically slammed anyone who didn’t like her tweet. What’s next?

UPDATED AGAIN: Good tweet by Michael (no blue checkmark?) Taube :


Joel Johannesen
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