CNN pretends there’s confusion over what sex you are born as


How to know when it’s time to stop reading or watching CNN or any of the other such brainwashing or propaganda outfit of idiocy that is just like them (and there are many): when they state, as a matter of scientific and news reporting fact, that “it’s not possible to know a person’s gender identity at birth, and there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth.”

“…Much of the legislation that is pending or has been adopted restricts athletes’ participation in public school sports to the gender that matches the sex that athletes were assigned at birth. But it’s not possible to know a person’s gender identity at birth, and there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth. …”

Actually, that’s wrong. Some people who aren’t drunk would call it blatant misinformation. Some who aren’t high on crack, a lie. It’s massively, incredibly misleading information, and dangerously so. This is some kind of pseudo-Orwellian “trans” cultspeak. This is like Critical Race Theory, but for trans-gender promotion or agenda-driving. And it’s “news,” from CNN.

In case you’re stupid, there is actually a many-thousand-year-old consensus for assigning sex at birth. Just ask any delivery room doctor or nurse, or husband, or wife, or virtually any human on Earth. Literally 100% of them employ this crafty technique: Penis? Male. Vagina? Female. That’s it. A consensus. Which works.

To try to tell us that black is white and blue is green and 2+2=5, is to assume we are stupid. You’re not stupid, are you?

This kind of total bullshit should be profoundly rejected by all people who have any neurons firing in their brains, like I’m doing here. When you hear somebody say something along those lines, unabashedly laugh at them, tell them they’re wrong, and totally and verbally and loudly reject it in as public a way as possible. (Unless they are mentally challenged, which may in fact be the case.)

Now if you still are for some reason, stop watching or reading CNN, because it has clearly turned into a total nonsense and propaganda channel, and is helping the schools and universities to make people stupid and compliant. For reasons.

Joel Johannesen
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