Canadian media calls a Chinese media outlet “state-owned.” CBC? Not so much.


I’m going to go ahead and point this out whenever I see it, no matter how many times it happens. Especially when it’s the state-owned CBC who calls a China or Venezuela or North Korean or Russia-owned news media outlet “state-owned.” But yes also when, as in this case, the Globe and Mail calls one “state-owned.”

And this is largely because it is hideous. They are so un-self-aware that they don’t even see the problem, the irony, or the hypocrisy, which is that Canada also has a “state-owned” news media. Or at least they never, ever call it that. Why? Who knows.

Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defence released a statement Wednesday that called the passage of the two Canadian ships a “freedom of navigation” operation. Taiwan’s state-owned Central News Agency also said that the HMCS Regina activated its automatic identification system during the transit, which allows the general public a view into its movements. Military ships often keep that system turned off to avoid advertising their position.

And now, it seems, thanks to Justin Trudeau and the Liberals, the rest of Canada’s media will be more-or-less state-owned, inasmuch as they will be reliant upon the state for wads of your taxpayer cash. Just like in China, Venezuela, North Korea, and Russia.

Joel Johannesen
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