Canada in chaos: Finance Minister quits (or fired) amidst record debt, deficit, economic trainwreck, scandal, pandemic


The chaos Canada is currently experiencing is nothing short of a disaster — piled atop the ongoing pandemic disaster — all of it (including the Canada’s share of the pandemic) of the Trudeau Liberal government’s own making. But that’s not important you guys. The important thing is that A WOMAN will be replacing ousted Finance Minister Bill Morneau. A WOMAN!

A WOMAN!!!!!!!!

This is the take I’m getting from the Liberals’ news media division at CBC and CTV and the Star and Global and the Globe, and the others. And we should not cast a critical eye on, or discuss, or question Trudeau or any Liberal for the actual reasons for this latest chaos. Actually, we should thank him for his courtesy. Because, WOMAN!


This woman was called-out by Conservative finance critic Pierre Poilievre (a lowly man) today: “Ms. Freeland was chair of the cabinet committee that approved the half-billion dollar handout to the WE organization. That is the scandal in which we are involved today.” Ouch. Now she’s the finance minister? Oh well. WOMAN!

This woman (sorry, WOMAN!!!!!) once said “AMEN to higher taxes.”

“Well, I would say amen to raising taxes,” Freeland said, when President George W. Bush was finally lowering taxes and, so, ipso facto, there were calls from liberals to raise taxes for Americans for some reason.

“Amen.” To higher taxes.

As Poilievre said today, “For Freeland, higher taxes is a religion. She said ‘amen to higher taxes,’ and I quote.”

So not just a woman, as if that weren’t enough to save Canada, but a religious woman at that. What a day for our nation.

Leslyn Lewis
Another woman. Black. But Conservative, darn the luck. No Amen.

Meanwhile, I understand Leslyn Lewis (notably a woman, and as if THAT weren’t enough, a BLACK WOMAN — “!!!!!”) is putting up a real fight to be the next leader of the Conservative Party, and therefore, stands a real good chance of being the next prime minister. Can I get an AMEN in here to all that? Well no, Joel, you cannot.

No, I hear nothing like an AMEN, and in fact I hear pretty much nothing whatsoever about Leslyn Lewis from the news media or Liberals. Ever. (More here on that.)

Weird. I guess some things (taxes!) are just more deserving of religious fervor than other things (black, conservative, women!).

Joel Johannesen
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