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Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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“Bulbs Sprouting!”—CBC suddenly upbeat about economic recovery (as their Obama spoke)

Bulbs are sprouting!—Part 4 (see part 3 here)

As regular PTBC readers know, nearly every single banner the CBC places under their stories regarding the economy read the likes of “THE R-WORD” or “WRETCHED RETAIL” or THE END IS NIGH” or “RUN FOR YOUR LIVES” or “PLEASE FREAK OUT”, but when their The Great Obama speaks, as he did today on TV, their banner reads ‘REVIVING THE ECONOMY”.


By contrast, CTV Newsnet thought they were merely reporting the news, so they went with the apolitical “OBAMA DISCUSSES HIS ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN”, which is of course what he was doing, rather than “reviving the economy”, as CBC is instructing Canadians.


Also see:
Bulbs Sprout Up

CBC reports on “bulbs sprouting”—with new Obama era style of reporting: happy thoughts pictures!

Minutes later, Circuit City announces some store closures, and the CBC “Your Business” reporter appears shocked!  SHOCKED, I tell you.  ‘Specially after The Great Obama just “REVIVED THE ECONOMY”!


…Just as she did here last week (item#4)

Joel Johannesen
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