Big Lib-Left Gov Today: public schools hundreds of millions behind in basic maintenance


Sometimes the news reads like it’s part of a conservative election campaign. The editors and reporters surely don’t know this.

Today, big liberal-left government spends so much of our taxpayer cash on things they have no business spending our money on, and mismanaging it so badly, that they don’t have anything left over for government basics. In spite of our now huge debts. For example, you might dare to think we should have decent schools that don’t leak like total third-world crap.

Vancouver School Board struggles with $740-million maintenance backlog

When Amber Woodward walks her seven-year-old son through Renfrew Elementary School, the first thing she notices are the leaks.

“When it rains really hard, there’s water pouring through walls and pooling on the landing,” said Woodward. …

Renfrew is one of 87 Vancouver schools that is in “poor” or “very poor” shape due to years of deferred maintenance the district simply doesn’t have the money to address, according to a school board report.

Only 13 of the board’s 110 schools were in “good” or “excellent” condition, according to the 2018 review. Updating all its buildings to present-day standards — with modern lighting, plumbing and heating — would cost $740 million.

“It has just built up over the years,” said board chair Janet Fraser. “The average age of our schools is over 70 years old, and old buildings take more money to maintain.” …

Interesting side note: the militant, extreme left-wing BC Teachers union is in contract talks with their sisters at the Big Union-luvin’ BC NDP government, whom they helped elect, right now, hoping for giant pay increases and reduced work loads. I haven’t heard from the teachers about leaks or crap schools, but I suppose if you ask…

I can only hope the timing of this crap schools article had that in mind. I’m a dreamer!

Another fun fact is that teachers used to use the high cost of housing as a reason for the need for increased wages. Here’s an article on plummeting housing costs. Downturn in Metro Vancouver market means billions in paper losses for homeowners: report

And just for good measure, here a fun article on our crap infrastructure: Report: Canada’s municipal infrastructure at risk of rapid deterioration



Joel Johannesen
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