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A state-run CBC replete with a liberal-leftist agenda

I shook my head at this nearly half-page ad near the front page of the National Post this morning, by the state-run taxpayer-funded CBC.  It’s about a “news” show that the state is broadcasting, hosted by their star “news” anchor, which from the sounds of it is pretty much exactly the same—at least insofar as their abject bias and propaganda value—as the approximately 800 to 1000 other shows on the same topic recently broadcast by this left-wing outfit. 


A PTBC reader named Greg wondered in an email to me if the CBC saw this article at the web site of one of their “competitors”: 

Arctic sea ice is returning after low point

Updated Fri. Sep. 21 2007 1:13 PM ET News Staff

WASHINGTON—Arctic sea ice may have started rebuilding after reaching a record low, according to the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center.

Arctic ice now covers 4.18 million square kilometres, the agency said Thursday, up from 4.13 million on Sept. 16, which appears to have been the minimum.

Some variability could still occur, however, the agency cautioned.

The previous record low for Arctic sea ice was 5.32 million square kilometres, set on Sept. 20-21, 2005, and the average low at the end of the summer melt is 6.74 million square kilometres.

The Northwest Passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans along the coasts of Canada and Alaska remains open but is starting to refreeze, the centre said. The Northeast Passage along the coast of Siberia is closed by ice, according to the research co-operative.

My guess is that yes, they did know about this story, but they’ll report the exact opposite anyway. 

I don’t believe you can trust a media that has an agenda.  For example, another bit of propaganda that ran just last night on the state-run media (there’s something every day—often a Michael Moore film or something equally specious) was on their “Passionate Eye” series (which almost always has some left-wing tripe worth laughing at for its abject bias and hypocrisy).  It was called “Everything’s Cool”.  Even the title is sarcastic and designed to work against us “deniers”. 

The CBC teases it at their multi-gazillion-dollar state-funded web site as an earnest, balanced look—a documentary—about how competing forces are fighting it out in the U.S. (where, it is apparent, they’re all a bunch of nutbar capitalists) over the “man-made global warming” debate which we have been told previously was “over”.  But as I see it it’s actually a production by a group of left-wing American film makers not unlike Michael Moore and pumped up by a left-wing film organization called “Working Films”, which if memory serves has a history of promoting left-wing and often anti-American and certainly anti-capitalist films.  Anyway, the CBC web site links to the “official site” of “Everything’s Cool”, where the actual story becomes more clear, as it reveals at least a hint of their hideous, abject bias:

“MEET THE GLOBAL WARMING MESSENGERS: Linked by a common struggle, a group of self appointed global warming messengers are on a high stakes quest to understand why a crisis they see as urgent and terrifying is greeted by their fellow citizens as distant and irrelevant and by their government with apathy, denial, and perhaps, even criminal neglect.

THEIR MISSION: To find the iconic image, the perfect frame, the electrifying language or the political hot button that will finally move a wary and reluctant citizenry and their elected officials to take meaningful action on climate change.

THEIR CHALLENGE: To enlighten and educate Americans, thus shifting consumers away from the fuels that have powered the greatest increases in technology, wealth and living standards in history.

THEIR NEMESES: The recalcitrant politicians, the fossil-fuel corporations and the right-wing think tanks that do their bidding, by working tirelessly to obscure the science and gum up the works of government to defeat climate-friendly legislation and promote the unrestrained use of fossil fuels.

Here’s the CBC’s page devoted to pretending it’s all balanced, good, intellectually honest stuff.  I personally think that’s a lie.:

The CBC presents this propaganda as earnest, balanced information, to be broadcast not just on their main network of 8 million stations which all Canadians must be presented with by rule of law, but also on their “Newsworld” (all news—facts!—all the time!) channel, which also must, by law, be offered by cable and satellite distributors. 

This is merely a tiny fraction of the propaganda that Canadians are subjected to all day long on the state-run media.

State-run and state-owned media should be banned in this country, and that notion enshrined in our constitution.


Joel Johannesen
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