VIDEO: CTV News anchor Kate Wheeler pulled a Michael J. Fox on you.


Taking a page from Michael J. Fox’s (and all liberals’) successful strategy, CTV Newsnet’s Kate Wheeler reported this morning on the news headline about yet more success in stem cell research.  It seems heart attack patients may be helped in the future by a study in which they’ll inject stem cells into heart attack patients, the reports from London England tell us today.  That’s all fine, of course.

But you see the annoying thing for liberals is that once again, as has happened so many dozens of times on this file, it’s another success story about ADULT stem cells.

Several cures, drugs, and remedies have been created as a result of ADULT stem cell research.  This may turn out to be another one, adding to the more than 80 already working.  No cures have been created as a result of EMBRYONIC stem cells.

But liberals want us to enjoy EMBRYONIC stem cell research because it uses human embryos.  They seek to desensitize folks to the idea of destroying human embryos, because they think it will help them in their struggle to get folks even more used to the idea of abortion being just fine too.  They’re just more embryos, see? What the hell?

They frame this all as if it’s a noble quest to save lives and treat people (by killing other innocent human life which they never tell you).  But this is all information from those who actually adhere to the culture of death.

So they call all these successes “stem cell research” without telling you that what’s being used are ADULT stem cells.  They like it when you get confused and think that it’s about that EMBRYONIC stem cell debate.

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Conservatives in general have absolutely no problem with ADULT stem cell research.  No human life is snuffed out as a result of ADULT stem cell research and cures.  This is not the case with EMBRYONIC stem cell research, in which human embryos are harvested and then killed and chopped-up on purely experimental grounds.

Liberals have once again created a totally, unspeakably dishonest debate, as they often do when they’re dead wrong about serious issues.  In this case they speak of “stem cell research” as if it’s all the same.  That’s what Michael J. Fox did when he lied (in my opinion) about the debate in trying to persuade Americans in “Missoura” (to use his absolutely non-acting and non-coached typically Canadian way of saying the name of that state) to vote for the liberal candidate, and for the constitutional amendment in that state that will allow EMBRYONIC stem cell research.  The actual fact is, Fox’s Republican nemesis is in favor of ADULT stem cell research, which has shown amazing promise and results and continues to do so to this very day, while he opposed a constitutional amendment allowing EMBRYONIC stem cell research.

This heart attack cure story wasn’t about embryonic stem cell research at all whatsoever.  It was about more success with ADULT stem cell research.  Yet anchor Kate Wheeler gratuitously chose to tell us in her news report “embryonic stem cells have the greatest potential in medical treatment because they’re not fully developed and adapt more readily.”

Why aren’t they using embryonic stem cells for the study then?

And what do you call this kind of news reporting if not agenda-driven, and therefore utterly untrustworthy (or worse)?

The liberal Democratic candidate, and the pro-embryonic stem cell research constitutional amendment vote, both passed in Missouri yesterday.  They won.

Joel Johannesen
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