Twitter bans free speech advocate Lindsay Shepherd in latest left-wing corporate censorship travesty


National Post has it at the top of their news right now, and only a few others in Canada have the story — I actually found only one other, plus one which smugly sneered at Shepherd and her banishment like immature, arrogant, asses (sub-headline: “Oh no, one less person screaming on the internet. How will we manage?” Nice free speech advocacy right there from that “news” source, which absolutely relies on free speech for its life).

For example, don’t look for this pretty important story — about a Canadian woman — at the state-owned CBC website. It is not there as of this writing (Shepherd was banned on Monday). At the CTV division of the Liberal Party: same thing. Not covered. Global? You guessed it, they, too, don’t think you should know this news. What a disgrace they all are.

For a good analysis of this, watch this video by Andrew Lawton at True North.

You can keep up with Lindsay Shepherd at Youtube for now, and her writing at The Post Millennial.

Joel Johannesen
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