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Sunday, February 23, 2025
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Trudeau virtually acknowledges he has no principles other than holding onto power

Polls have a stronger voice to The Trudeau/Singh Liberal/NDP Party — than Canadians.

Winning the award for crass, transparent desperation in their quest to hold onto power over us, is the Trudeau/Singh Liberal/NDP Party. Collectively known as The Federal Progressives.

I posted a reply to this on X/Twitter today because after laughing my head off for 30 seconds, and then shaking my head for approximately 45 seconds, my then sore head needed to be still for a while:


This desperate vote-buying announcement from Trudeau came moments before a rally in Atlantic Canada by a winning Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre was about to start (according to polling in the Atlantic region it’s: CPC 41%, Lib 33%). There were over a thousand people at that event. So the Trudeau/Singh timing of this announcement was really super magically coinkidinky.

According to the rules of political fairzies, Poilievre gets to say stuff now.

Trudeau (and I presume Singh, who resides inside Trudeau’s head) says that this carbon tax (on top of the myriad other authoritarian rules, regulations, building codes, costs, and nuisances already on our plate) will hasten his dream of having everybody on electric heat pumps.

(In case you didn’t know, it costs many tens of thousands of dollars to switch to electric heat pumps for most people.)

On other nights he dreams of everyone driving electric cars.

Once the state police have concluded everybody is obeying his dreamy dictates, what do you suppose their tax scheme will be on electricity? Especially since in Canada, unfortunately, electricity is made and delivered by state-owned outfits. How convenient.

The carbon tax will transform into an “energy” tax. And like the carnob taxes and all taxes imposed or under the control of progressive regimes, it will rise, and rise, year after year. Because that — all of this — is… progressive.

Joel Johannesen
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