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Crooked Hillary move over: Trudeau Liberals sound like the corrupt Clintons; and our media love them all the same

[dropcap]I’ll[/dropcap] give the Globe and Mail credit for at least breaking from their Donald Trump smearing obsession for five minutes today, to mention one of our nation’s biggest stories (and one that’s true, too!). They’re suggesting today what could be massive political corruption, in our country, associated with the Trudeau Liberal Party. Yes, them, again. (Don’t worry, they still smear Donald Trump plenty today, with delightful lines like this line in a hard “news” report: “…Mr. Trump’s simplistic and angry campaign rhetoric may be much more difficult to accomplish…”).

Here’s their cover story, which continues way back on on page 15 (anti-Trump stories first, doncha know).


The Globe and Mail’s effort today is a lot more than I can say for the National Post or Trudeau’s state-owned CBC division, which mentions not one single word about what really could be a huge story of nation-changing political corruption.

It’s all very Clintonian.

But like the Clinton’s corruption and the media’s response (“yawn, wink”), I suspect the liberal media here will give their beloved Trudeau an absolute pass as well. Which makes the liberal media as corrupt as the Liberals.

For the record, the left-wing Toronto Star and liberalvision CTV also fail to mention one word about this, even though it’s about potentially enormous political corruption affecting the governance of our country, to say nothing of a major election promise being smashed to smithereens.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was the top draw at a $1,500 Liberal Party cash-for-access fundraiser at the mansion of a wealthy Chinese-Canadian business executive in May. One of the guests at the event was a well-heeled donor who was seeking Ottawa’s final approval to begin operating a new bank aimed at Canada’s Chinese community.

The Globe and Mail has learned that wealthy Chinese businessman Zhang Bin who, with a partner, donated $1-million to the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation and the University of Montreal Faculty of Law weeks after the fundraiser, also attended the event. Mr. Zhang is a political adviser to the Chinese government in Beijing and a senior apparatchik in the network of Chinese state promotional activities around the world.

Chinese Business Chamber of Commerce chair Benson Wong played host to Mr. Trudeau and 32 other people at his Toronto home. Among the donors was insurance tycoon Shenglin Xian, the founder of Wealth One Bank of Canada, and several Chinese billionaires…

There are no lines in the news story like “Mr. Trudeau’s simplistic and angry campaign rhetoric was obviously a lie and was obviously much too difficult for him to even pretend to give a shit about…” But at least they wrote something. Now they can go back to Trump-bashing. Hey maybe Ivanka’s dresses are too summery or something! And surely that makes her a racist!

So yes I think it’s important to think about why virtually none of the other news media in Canada is covering this story of potential Justin Trudeau/Liberal Party political corruption (again). Even if this latest revelation were exclusive to the Globe and Mail, other media can certainly report on the Globe and Mail’s findings. The Globe and Mail does that all the time. They all do. God knows if a story about Stephen Harper ever appeared in the Toronto Star as an exclusive, every single other news media reported on it. Just like they do with Trump stories.

The fact that they have chosen not to in this case needs to be investigated. Especially the failure of the state-owned CBC, since we pay them $1.5 BILLION per year to do…. whatever it is we pay them to do.

Joel Johannesen
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