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Trudeau Liberal Government broke the law, not the truckers

It’s almost funny when you think about it. For years (well, the past two), the Liberals in the Canadian government have been touting their supposed role as the responsible law-abiding betters and peacekeepers who faced down those evil lowly truckers (AKA Canadians!).

So brave! So law-abiding and peace-y and unifying!

Also, so wrong, officially — legally — as it turns out. Politically too. Which I mention because the decision to invoke that draconian law wasn’t “legal” or “scientific.” It was pure politics.

Yes today we learned that it turns out that when the progs can’t choose their own yummy judge (Hi Mr. Rouleau! Say hi to Justin for us!), they lose in court. Actual law courts. Federal Court. Lose badly. Embarrassingly badly. But monumentally importantly.

The federal court ruled today that the Liberal government’s draconian use of the Emergencies Act was simply illegal. Unconstitutional. Against the Chart of Rights. Wrong on almost every level ( I have yet to find in the ruling where the Liberal authoritarians in Liberal Party HQ got it right.)

In other words, exactly as almost every freedom-loving person all over the world said over and over, and over again, including almost every conservative and Conservative, many liberals and Liberals too, and even a few out there in the even further left. Even the Canadian Civil Liberties Union, which were among those on the winning side today. And including me.

The Libs refuse to concede defeat, today, of course, even though the decision was extremely well thought-out and very well explained, within the 195-page ruling (much of which I’ve read and I recommend reading it — it’s so readable both Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland could understand how wrong they were just by reading it before outputting their usual word salads condemning it). No, instead, they immediately (without possibly having had the time to read it yet) announced that they would appeal the decision. It will likely end in the Supreme Court.

In the meantime, I imagine there will be many lawsuits filed against the government by the many illegally aggrieved parties (again, Canadian citizens) who were told they had “unacceptable views!” They “stood with Nazis!” They were downright deplorable! Possibly smelly! Certainly not a graduate of an elitist Laurentian college!

As it stands, it was the Liberal government — Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, and several others — were the ones who were breaking the law. Not the truckers. Not the Canadian citizens like the whole families with children who had their bank accounts frozen, or who were trampled with horses or rounded up like terrorists. Save for a few louts the likes of which you’ll find in any crowd, the truckers and thousands of other citizens supporting them were the lawful ones acting within their Charter rights and the Canadian Constitution. The government was in fact deplorable, and according to the Judge today, had unacceptable views of the law of the land, and of freedom, and of our Canadian Charter rights. And democracy.

Honk f-ing honk is all I have to say for now.


Joel Johannesen
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