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The Willing Suspension of Disbelief

Dear Provost Frank ()

I wanted to take a few minutes to thank you for the form email I received from your assistant Marty Sharp Lambert in regard to the latest round of anti-American, pro-terrorist speech by Kent State University Professor Julio Pino. In the response, Marty assured me that “Pino has had absolutely no contact with the columnist Mike Adams, according to the department chair who spoke to him.”

First of all, I am Mike Adams and I would urge some modification of your form responses when you speak directly to the person who is responsible for the flood of emails you have received over the last few days. In this case, that person would be me, the columnist currently known as Mike Adams (as opposed to, say, the artist formerly known as “Prince”).

Your assertion that Pino has had no contact with Mike Adams in no way answers the question I directed to your office last week. I asked whether Pino wrote the email that a) bears his name, and b) praises the attacks of 911 in the name of Allah – suggesting that 911 was called for under Islamic principles.

And, of course, I did not ask whether we have had “contact.” It is true that I have invited Julio Pino to go hog hunting with me in South Carolina but he refuses to respond. The very idea that you think you can get away with esoteric phrases like “has had no contact with” is really hard to believe at this late stage in the game. In fact, it really calls for the willing suspension of disbelief on my behalf.

Marty continues her form-denial by asserting that “This appears to be another case of a spoof/fake e-mail, which is under investigation by the IT people to identify its origin, if possible.” It may “appear” to be a spoof because it is so insane. But it looks just like others linked to Pino in the past.

But I’m glad you mentioned the possibility of investigating this matter to determine the origins of the email. When confronted with several of those similarly violent and profane missives (forwarded by other conservative writers) I was able to determine that they were sent from a Kent State University computer by a man using the email address ([email protected]), which, of course, belongs to Professor Julio Pino.

I really could not believe what I was seeing so I handed over the findings of my research to the FBI and to a representative in the Ohio legislature. I can’t believe Pino has not yet been arrested. Maybe you feel the same way. Or perhaps you are well-schooled in the art of the willing suspension of disbelief.

Nonetheless, my findings show that Kent State University was not telling the truth when, in a March press release, officials stated that Pino had not been using university facilities to disseminate his pro-Jihadist writings. To believe that today one would have to engage in the willing suspension of disbelief.

Furthermore, the department chair Marty mentioned in the form-denial has previously contradicted the statements of your administration. Shortly after administrators said Pino never contributed to the violent, anti-Semitic blog “Global War,” the chair went public with an admission that he knew that Pino had, in fact, written for “Global War.” That Kent State is so inept at covering up for an anti-Semitic traitor really requires the willing suspension of disbelief.

Marty also says that “the university does not speak for Dr. Pino nor defend any views he might have, and he certainly does not speak for Kent State, his department or other faculty.” But, of course, such a statement is really unnecessary if your administration really believes that Pino is not the author of the email at the heart of this controversy. But for me to believe that, I would have to elevate the willing suspension of disbelief to a Zen art.

Marty also states that “Many times views expressed on political issues are offensive and repugnant. But political speech is strongly protected by our Constitution. However, while speech may be protected, evidence of a crime needs to be reported to the proper authorities.” I actually agree with that statement but, unfortunately, you lost me with the next one:

”We have not had formal complaints about Dr. Pino’s classroom conduct or demeanor, by students or other instructors.”

I think the lack of formal complaints is best explained by the fact that Pino advocates blowing up those who disagree with his views. If you do not believe me, check out an editorial he wrote for the Kent State newspaper, in which he advocated the killing of innocent Jews by children with bombs strapped to their bodies. It is the kind of venom that requires a willing suspension of disbelief among those apprised of his status as a tenured professor at Kent State.

Certainly, you should have considered looking at what Pino has written in your own student newspaper before you suggested that he’s not the kind of guy who would advocate the mass murder of innocents. The guys who flew the planes into the World Trade Center were suicide bombers, were they not?

Marty finishes her form-denial by saying “Thank for your message and continued support of Kent State.”

You cannot seriously think that I support Kent State University, can you? Nor can you deny that Kent State is providing comfort and aid to one who provides comfort and aid to our most dangerous enemies. Such a willing suspension of disbelief would even make Hillary Rodham Clinton proud. But Kent State University has nothing to be proud of.

Dr. Mike S. Adams does not advocate suicide bombing. But he does think prepositions are a good thing to end a sentence with. He also thinks this story would be a good one for Rush and Neal Boortz to start their shows with.

Mike S. Adams
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