Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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The liberals’ mainstream media division thinks Dion is the government

…or wants you to think so…

This is starting to become a habit. 

Last week I mentioned how a CTV Newsnet anchor accidentally confused Dion and his taxation plans with “the government’s”.  At one point in an interview, Jacqueline Milczarek confused the Liberals’ plan with “the government”, referring to the Liberal plan as the government’s plan, as follows.

Jacqueline Milczarek:  So really I mean when the government says it’s ‘revenue neutral’ is that in all honesty true, when you know we’re saying we are gunna be paying more for electricity, utilities, right?

And the guest expert greenie just blithely follows along in his answer:

John Bennet, greenie: Well the government’s not saying that it’s going to have a neutral impact in the economy, it’s saying that the federal government isn’t going to collect any more money…”

Today, Toronto Star reporter Susan Delacourt writes up a transcript of the latest episode of the CTV show, Question Period, broadcast yesterday.  She’s focusing on something completely different, but the transcript included these words:

CRAIG OLIVER:… And it was accurate for me to say they had both turned us down. However, they did offer us Jason Kenney, the Minister of Multiculturalism, to attack the government’s green plan, and we said, sorry, we’re not talking about multiculturalism, we’re talking about taxation or we’re talking about environment….

I tried to find the offending quote in the online videos of the show, but couldn’t.  They must have snipped it out of the online videos.

(Hat tip to Ward B)

Joel Johannesen
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