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Special Delivery for Justin Trudeau: Boondoggle, Fifth Notice. Please Respond.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he smart business decision by the Harper Conservatives to reign in the state-owned, money-losing dinosaur Canada Post, changing postal mail delivery from door-to-door to community boxes, was ridiculed by the Trudeau Liberals (and then of course by their mainstream news media division) during the 2015 election campaign.

It was a huge plank in their election campaign. It was celebrated by the media. The Liberals would reverse the Conservatives’ decision — effective immediately after they were sworn-in — that’s how important they said it was. Damn the costs to Canadians! I’m handsome! 

Trudeau’s snarky post-election “Because it’s 2015!” was a ruse. The year is always 1947 when it comes to liberals acting irrationally to protect the big unions, state-owned businesses, taxing and spending, and any other liberal-left/progressive ideology.

The Liberals would add cover to their irrationality (and their media division would totally buy into it) by promising that after they resumed door-to-door delivery, they would set up an official federal task force (they’re liberals!) and order an official report, presumably proving to all the idiot conservative voters in the country that the Liberals were right. And then with the “science settled,” the debate would be over, much like with their “man-made global warming” “science.”

Today the report was released, totally refuting the hair-brained decision by the Trudeau Liberals to reverse the direction for Canada Post that the Conservatives had rightly begun.

…The task force said the post office could generate $762-million a year in savings or revenue gains from measures that include resuming the phaseout of delivery, selling 800 of its busiest postal retail outlets to the private sector, delivering mail every other weekday, and closing more processing plants.

… Reinstating home delivery for all Canadians would cost $1.2-billion a year. The task force said that, to do that, the post office would have to charge as much as $124 a year per home or raise stamp prices by another 50 cents on top of the increases it already needs to make. …

But it’s gotten to the point where when one of these things come up in the news making Justin Trudeau and the Liberals look even more ridiculous than we already knew they were, the question I have is where the Liberals’ media division — the Globe and Mail, National Post, CBC, CTV, etc., will bury the story, if they will even cover it at all. The Canadian news media takes its news-reporting cues directly from the instruction book of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s campaign industrial complex.

Luckily I found an article about the report, deep within the G&M this morning, under the “POLITICS” heading. Other headlines in that section: “Peter MacKay will not run for Conservative leadership,” and “Kevin O’Leary writes off Kellie Leitch’s candidacy.”

See it’s not really “news,” it’s just politics, implying that it’s just Conservatives making politics out of this — it’s not really serious “news” like it was during the campaign. The article was featured way below the web page scroll, past the business section and way under these important real-news stories which were featured as their top stories of the day:


Their man Obama is so very dreamy, but my golly I too hope Trudeau’s popularity can survive this post office story, because what I worry about more than anything is how Trudeau will look after news about his repeated failings are begrudgingly reported.

The state-owned CBC was even funnier but for different reasons. Yesterday they ran a Canadian Press story featuring the notion that Canada Post could be saved if only they were given the job of distributing…. POT!  Yessir, like this:

The four-member panel issued a discussion paper Monday that suggests a number of ways the letter carrier can turn its business model around, including distributing legalized marijuana and cutting back on door-to-door delivery in favour of community mailboxes — an initiative launched by the Conservative government in 2013 but scrapped by the current Liberal government.

No word on distributing crack, liquor, condoms, or porn… and cutting back on door-to-door delivery in favour of community mailboxes.

But here’s what they will deliver: whatever the liberals and the unions want. The idea that Trudeau or the Liberals would ever cross the postal workers’ union, the teachers’ union, the auto-workers’ union, or any left-wing outfit, is ridiculous. It simply doesn’t matter what Canadians generally think. Never mind this, because they won’t:

In spite of the controversy over phasing out door-to-door delivery, the task force report includes polling data suggesting a majority of Canadians (67 per cent) actually supports the idea of shifting everyone to community mail boxes.

I know 67% of Canadians don’t send money to the Liberal Party of Canada. But unions and their members do (or they donate to their Canada_Post_Mail-n-Burgersbrothers and sisters in Tom Mulcair’s like-minded you’ve got to be kidding party) — especially the unions and members working in state-owned “businesses” like the CBC and Canada Post. And even if these people didn’t donate, big labor unions and state-owned “businesses” are what makes liberals liberals. So eventually this will all be crafted to cede not to common sense, or to all Canadian taxpayers, or even to their sacred federal task force “report,” but to big labor unions and another state-owned “business.”

This union-related quote from the’s story, and second one from the G&M, stand out (my bolding):

CUPW also suggested a number of possible business models for revamping the mail carrier, including offering payday loans.

• The task force also rejected the idea of the post office getting into the banking business – an option the Canadian Union of Postal Workers is pushing hard.

So let’s watch for state-owned banks and state-owned loansharking on a national scale. (In Canada, not Cuba or North Korea.)

These extreme left-wing (can we say communist at any point?) ideas for state-owned banks and payday loansharking aside, thanks to the Liberals’ big federal task force, they will have to tackle the thorny issue of the science being settled and the debate being over. Oh but wait! They’ve ordered-up a months-long, cross-country chit-chat and chin-wag, in order to get feedback about this ever-so complicated matter from every Canadian! This will afford them the opportunity to “interpret” the “findings” any damn way they please. Bravo, Liberals.

Make no mistake. The Liberals will do what they set out to do. Yes, damn the costs. And it will pretty much be based on “I’m handsome,” and “it’s 2015” (or 2017, or 2020, or whatever).

I just hope Trudeau looks good and his precious popularity survives after all of this.


Joel Johannesen
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