Some beer and popcorn fallout fun from the media


I was happier today than yesterday with the news media.  As I said earlier, today the liberal media was forced to actually report on Liberals saying stupid things.  There was simply no way around it.  And you know what?  It looked good on them!

Sure some talked about the “beer and popcorn” fiasco with a smile on their faces and even jokingly had a bag of popcorn on their desks and humorously threw it at the TV camera as they were reporting on the ever-so-light-hearted story (a Liberal said it—not a Conservative, silly!).  But at least they did—or were forced to—talk about Liberals and their abject mistrust of Canadians.

CBC wiseacre and multi-pierced (I mean many in each ear plus a few in his nose and God knows where else) CBC host George Stroumboulopoulos made a passing reference tonight to the Conservatives’ plan for daycare, and their news conference today in which they addressed the horrid Liberal remarks amid many outraged parents and their children.  They good-naturedly had beer and popcorn displayed at their news conference.

Transcribed from my video tape, I believe I heard this, on the BILLION dollar per year taxpayer-funded, state-run CBC News division of the liberal-left:

I can only hope by the way that the Conservatives had the children’s interests at heart—their best interests.  Even if you have the best intentions, I still don’t think it’s a good idea to have all that booze around to give to kids—or “Jesus Juice”—or whatever it is you call it.

We also got to see conservative-friendly radio talk-show host Lowell Green on TV and heard one of his callers—an average Canadian citizen—say blasphemous (non-liberal) things!  And we caught a glimpse of a very frequent commenter and reader of this site, Mark-Alan Whittle, who went to Ottawa to raise his voice.  (I spelled his name wrong on the video and I will correct that.  I took it from the CTV broadcast.  It’s Mark-Alan Whittle.  Not Mark-Allan Whitle.)

But it was Dan Matheson of CTV Newsnet who really made a breakthrough today.

[SORRY – VIDEO NOW REMOVED]Click to watch  Watch the Beer and Popcorn Fallout Fun

Joel Johannesen
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