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Seventy-two percent (72%) say most reporters try to help the candidate they want to win.

This is a U.S. survey.  In Canada, CBC viewers all agree that the news media should actually be part of the government — a division of government, just like in the old Soviet Union and in North Korea and Cuba and other successful nations like them;  and they believe that providing news and entertainment like sitcoms and political opinions and documentaries is a core function of the state —something which the government must provide for the citizenry at taxpayer expense (but which they will call “free” nonetheless).  And apparently the supply of what I imagine they must call those news and entertainment “rights” (or news and entertainment “justice”, when they’re really fired-up and on the march — or at federal budget time), must be extremely left-wing economically, socially, and philosophically as a general matter, or otherwise it’s “biased” against them.  Naturally the state-owned CBC fulfills this role perfectly for them. 

67% Say News Media Have Too Much Influence Over Government Decisions
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Voters are even more convinced now that the news media have too much influence on the actions of government and try to help political candidates they want to win. Most also still think the average reporter is more liberal than they are.

… Seventy-two percent (72%) say most reporters try to help the candidate they want to win. 

.. Just before the November 2008 presidential election, 68% of voters said most reporters try to help the candidate they want to win, and 51% believed they were trying to help Democrat Barack Obama. Just seven percent (7%) thought they were trying to help his Republican opponent, John McCain.

Fifty-one percent (51%) of voters say the average reporter is more liberal than they are. Eighteen percent (18%) say that reporter is more conservative, and 20% think their views are about the same ideologically as the average reporter’s.

This is one of the reasons Canada’s leftists so adore their state-owned ditch of left-wing propaganda, the CBC.

Most Americans’ heads would explode watching the media (particularly the CBC) through an election in Canada —or any time actually.  I think they’d laugh at us.  And then feel sorry for us, and slightly better about their own country. 

The progressive Conservative Party of Canada fully supports the CBC.  So do many Canadian corporations with their advertising sponsorship.

Joel Johannesen
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