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Wednesday, February 26, 2025
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Sammy update: mentally maturing; starting to see things our way

After several scary signs, many documented right here, showing Sam was engaged in a full-on jihad against us, and a previous spy video showing her digging a hole to Communist China to join Hu Jintao’s league of ChiCom puppies, and many other worrying signs of war against the right side (that’s us!), and of course the most upsetting of all, her hitting the bottom and literally the bottle, as caught on video, Samra now appears to be showing signs of moving in the right direction. 

image She’s reached 16 weeks of age, a time when most sensible people of intelligence have already recognized the values of conservatism, so this appears to be right on cue.  To borrow a Coulterism, “Swing voters are more appropriately known as the ‘idiot voters’ because they have no set of philosophical principles. By the age of fourteen, you’re either a Conservative or a Liberal if you have an IQ above a toaster.” 

image After thumbing through my “People’s Voice” newspaper, Samra was previously seen having a nap on it (‘parently put her to sleep —good sign!), as I’d left it on the floor to be recycled into the horse crap from whence it was derived.  But today Sammy entered my suite of normally super secure PTBC offices, and proceeded to rip the latest issue of the socialist/communist rag (in their articles they repeatedly refer to themselves as both socialists and communists so I’m not sure what they prefer, not that it really matters) to shreds —with her high-performance teeth and paws.  Sources indicate to us that the shred and awe action was dubbed by her compatriots as “Operation Socialist Shred-O-Matic (arf)”. 

See the devastation left behind…

After viewing the above photo and the inherent, embarrassing proof that even puppies see their paper for what it’s worth, we understand the BC branch of the ACLU is looking into possible “human rights violations” or violations of “civil liberties” with which they could charge me, the just-so-happens-to-be-conservative owner of the now right-leaning puppy, and of their now-destroyed communist/socialist paper.  (Or at least I assume they’d call it their paper).  As usual, they are more concerned about the plight of the enemy — jihadists, communists, etc. — than us.  And so we properly ignore them, since we, at least, are on our side.

FURTHER EVIDENCE of her maturing, mentally/politically:
This does look like a Commie?  A jihadist?  Or a normal conservative?


Later today we visit the medics and get her final set of vaccines, including a rabies vaccine.  I may also use that sortie to secure some additional puppy-treat armaments.  She likes the ones shaped like bunnies. 

Over and out for now.

Joel Johannesen
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