Newsquips daily news brief — The daily Newsquips entry is updated all day, much like Obama’s cabinet nominees—who all want to increase taxes, but after being nominated we find out they haven’t bothered to pay their taxes, but who immediately after being nominated quickly race to quietly pay their taxes and penalties and interest and “apologize” for not paying their taxes making everything absolutely A-OK, Jack!, according to the liberal media and all liberals. Newsquips are like that except for the tax part.
1. Hey that ain’t liberal! The left-wing Toronto Star’s web site is conducting a poll. … The correct answer is “Yes”…. so you can imagine my surprise when I noticed that the TorStar’s left-wing readers agreed with me. Maybe they’re still inebriated from the big Superbowl festivities, or they are still celebrating the See? Even heroes smoke pot! fall of Michael Phelps (BONG!).
A judge wants a Toronto woman to testify without her niqab at a sexual assault trial so her face can be seen. Is this reasonable?
Yes – 78%
No – 17%
Don’t know – 4%
2. New U.S. Commander in Chief Barack Hussein Obama wants to cut the national defence budget by 10%. Perhaps he doesn’t quite “get” that whole “stimulus” thing. And/or that whole “defending America” thing. Or that whole “being President” thing. Or maybe it’s because defending that nutty U.S. in the middle of two wars, and at the start of a new presidency which has yet to be tested by the terrorists —terrorists who have already declared war on the U.S., is too pricey. Or he doesn’t get that Iran is approaching their goal of building a nuclear bomb, and that Mexican illegals and drug lords seem poised to take over some southern states, and that Russia is increasingly becoming more aggressive toward America and its interests, and that the war on terror is an ongoing venture designed to save America and the West, and which the evil side hopes to win simply by attrition and by costing the U.S. “too much money”. Or maybe it’s because “stimulus” money needs to be spent on growing the welfare state and providing aid to the Palestinians in Gaza, and of course funding abortions instead, as a national priority. I’m just not sure.
3. IMAGINE IF HE WERE REPUBLICAN — Another Obama pick for cabinet (Secretary of Health and Human Services) FAILED TO PAY HIS TAXES… until he was nominated by Obama for cabinet. Don’t worry, he’s said he’s sorry, AND he’s a Democrat. So it’s OK. Oh and also all that lobbying Tom Daschle has done for the health industry? And the fact that his wife is a lobbyist? And Obama’s promise to bring in a new era free of lobbyists, and yadda yadda yadda….? Never mind! Ch-ch-ch-CHANGED!
4. Remember Erik Millet —that left-wing Green Party candidate and current public school principal (not principle) who cancelled the daily singing of “O Canada” in “his” New Brunswick school last week citing “diversity” reasons and other such left-wing moonbat (“progressive”!) reasons? (See my blog entry “Canadian public school principal cans singing of Canada’s national anthem; cites “inclusion””) … Well the Superintendent of the district, Zoe Watson, has reversed that taxpayer-paid loon’s idiotic decision, and ordered the daily singing of the anthem to be reinstated, after she was barraged with complaints, and after she gave the principal and Green Party candidate Erik Millet the chance to reverse his policy voluntarily. … Watch for that school principal and Green Party candidate to be awarded The Order Of Canada by the former CBC show host and Liberal Party-appointed Governor-General Michaëlle Jean. And other government-y things.
5. The New York Stock Exchange has gone down 17% since election day.
6. “How I love the French.” And “I’m going to be so embarrassed when President Obama visits.” That’s just a couple of the beauties from the state-owned Canadian pride-and-unity-building CBC’s taxpayer-paid far-left editorial columnist (which Canada so needs in these tough economic times!), Heather Mallick, in her latest opinion column. Her ever so valuable-to-taxpayers opinion column is all about her take on the latest Conservative budget, which she naturally trashes, on our dime. In between being embarrassed about her country. On the taxpayer-funded CBC.
She then contrasts our country’s budget to the grand Obama “plan”, which even many Democrats (eleven of whom voted against— with all the Republicans—last week in the House) sheepishly acknowledge as the most un-targeted, ill-conceived, most pork-filled, almost totally ideologically-based instead of “stimulus”-based, and the most totally, wildly, out-of-whack and largest liberal-left big-government spending sprees in the history of the Republic, and which serious conservatives know as possibly one of the biggest political and economic frauds in ages.
But not to the sycophant Heather Mallick: “In contrast, the Obama economic stimulus is carefully targeted, at health care, schools and public works. His economists put thought into it; they were as calm as the president himself.”. Once again that’s “Carefully targeted”?! And “calm”! Huh.
As Peggy Noonan, a quality columnist for an actually successful and privately-owned media firm called the Wall Street Journal wrote:
…The final bill was privately agreed by most and publicly conceded by many to be a big, messy, largely off-point and philosophically chaotic piece of legislation. The Congressional Budget Office says only 25% of the money will even go out in the first year. This newspaper, in its analysis, argues that only 12 cents of every dollar is for something that could plausibly be called stimulus.
What was needed? Not pork, not payoffs, not eccentric base-pleasing, group-greasing forays into birth control as stimulus, as the speaker of the House dizzily put it before being told to remove it.
That’s what the stimulus bill was about—not knowing what time it is, not knowing the old pork-barrel, group-greasing ways are over, done, embarrassing. When you create a bill like that, it doesn’t mean you’re a pro, it doesn’t mean you’re a tough, no-nonsense pol. It means you’re a slob.
That’s how the Democratic establishment in the House looks, not like people who are responding to a crisis, or even like people who are ignoring a crisis, but people who are using a crisis. Our hopeful, compelling new president shouldn’t have gone with this bill. He made news this week by going to the House to meet with Republicans. He could have made history by listening to them….
I suggest Canada “carefully target” our taxpayer cash away from left-wing sycophants who are paid by the nation to offer their (at best) ill-informed political opinions and present it for us on the state-owned media. And away from the state-owned CBC as a general matter. “Calmly” of course.
7. “God bless the nurse who offered prayer”—A good read about another story of extremist secular-“progressive” fundamentalists gone mad. The story is now all too familiar because we in the sensible set simply don’t fight back. This one is from the U.K.
8. Moronic Iraqi journalistic throws shoes at Bush: most gleefully, oft-repeated non-Obama-butt-kissing story of the late part of the Bush Presidency. Shoe thrown at a Communist leader of China? Barely mentioned in any media. Sky News: “Shoe Thrown At Chinese Premier”; Fox News: “Protester Throws Shoe at Chinese Prime Minister During Speech at Cambridge University”.
9. Republican-supporting movie legend Clint Eastwood’s latest movie naturally wasn’t nominated for an Oscar by the liberals’ self-rewarding shiny trinket division, the Oscars. But despite their impeccable wisdom (they awarded Michael Moore and Al Gore!), it’s the most profitable movie of the year. “For Eastwood, who owns the movie, the box office is his reward, I guess. The production costs came to $33 million, making Gran Torino the most profitable movie with a big star of at least the last year — and then some. … $110.5 million so far.”—Fox News’ Roger Friedman. Why am I not surprised by this?
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