Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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PTBC must be aging

(Opening myself up to liberals joking… “Yup!  PTBC is gettin’ old alright!”…)

Our site’s server is suffering from memory problems.  You may have noticed things slowing down or even stopping completely lately. That’s a “bran”-related matter and you should really adjust your diet but for the site, it’s due to our getting more visitors, and probably from having too many so-called “running processes”.  These two things are working together to max-out our server’s memory, which results in some services spontaneously shutting down.  One day the database shuts down, another day its the email service (like over this weekend until this morning)… 

So it’s time to do another upgrade.  Yay.  Say it with me now.  Yay. 

I’m going to take it offline today for minutes at a time to pop the hood and do some maintenance like stopping some of the running processes and repairing the MySQL database tables and generally making out like I know what I’m doing —like Obama or Layton or Dion, except I won’t raise your taxes. 

Next week I will have to invest in a more robust server with more memory.  Don’t worry, I’ll use some of the wheelbarrow loads of cash that this site generates from average Canadian conservatives and all those proud to not associate themselves with anything conservative Canadian advertisers (not).  Plus the $26.87 that we generated from Amazon book sales last year.  Whine.

So if you find things amiss, don’t worry, I’m on it.

Joel Johannesen
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