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Sunday, February 23, 2025
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Nothing Gay About It

There are a couple of terms I need to stop using in my columns. One of those terms is “liberal” – most of the self-described liberals I write about in my columns are not tolerant enough to be called liberals. The other term is “gay” – most of the self-described gays I write about in my columns are not happy enough to be called gays. This is especially true of those who also call themselves “gay activists.”

The active aggression of gay activists is on full display each time they lobby for so-called gay marriage. These are the same people who argue that marriage is a form of patriarchal oppression, which benefits men more than women – despite the fact that this “patriarchal” institution shields women from violent crimes including rape. Feminists who claim to be anti-rape and anti-marriage simply suffer from severe intellectual hernia – in addition to the emotional weakness that causes them to rely upon feminism in the first place.

The common thread between opposition to heterosexual marriage and support of gay marriage is not a love of gays. It is a hatred of marriage rooted in a rebellion against God and all that He has ordained. But those who simply acquiesce on the issue of gay marriage are different. They are not engaged in active rebellion against God. They just lack the faith to believe that God will be there for them when they are subjected to personal attacks by decidedly un-gay activists seeking to destroy faithful Christians who stand in their way.

But there can be no indifference or acquiescence on this issue because same sex marriage hurts everyone. Some examples of the widespread harm that would follow in the wake of government-backed same-sex marriage follow:

1. Income taxes will be increased to make up for the marriage tax benefits given to homosexual couples. We provide financial benefits to married couples because they produce and raise children. Why would we want to provide similar benefits to homosexual couples?2. Social security taxes will be increased in order to pay survivor benefits to “widows” and “widowers.”

3. Medical insurance premiums will rise in order to offset healthcare costs associated with the bad lifestyle choices typically made by homosexuals. AIDS, colon cancer, and hepatitis are only a few examples of the costly consequences of these bad choices.

Of course, the detriments are not all financial. We all lose our liberties whenever the gay rights agenda advances. There is no more hostile group in this nation than homosexuals, especially when it comes to civil liberties. Right now, as you are reading this column, un-gay activists are writing to my employer demanding my firing – all in the name of “tolerance” and “diversity of thought.”

Such tactics can be deterred only by rebellion against political correctness. Edmund Burke once said that the only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing. And evil it surely is. Imagine a world in which everyone lived faithfully in natural marriage the way that God intended for us to live. This would produce dramatic reductions in crime, poverty, abortion, and child abuse. Now imagine the alternative. If everyone lived faithfully in same-sex marriage it would result in the end of the human race itself.

In which direction should a Christian nation turn? And by what justification can Christians remain silent?

Even a slight movement in the direction of government-backed same-sex marriage will be disastrous. It will open the door on a number of troubling issues: Should bisexuals be permitted to marry two people? No one is raising the issue now. But they will.

As a nation, we have fallen a long way in recent years by pretending that abnormal things are normal. But now we are on the verge of pretending that the same abnormal things are actually desirable. And that is unconscionable.

The APA is not likely to cease its double standard of opposing gay re-orientation therapy while supporting gay-affirmation therapy. But society-at-large need not employ the same double-standard. After all, the average citizen has far more common sense than the average psychiatrist.

Contrary to what many believe, traditional marriage is not all about affirming love. In fact, many, if not most, of the world’s marriages are arranged.

Nor is the push for same-sex marriage all about affirming love. The life span of the average gay man is about twenty years shorter than the lifespan of the average heterosexual man. With consequences as grave as an early grave no man who truly loved another would engage in homosexual acts with him.

This debate is about more than two people in love. It is about two factions of society, which are sharply divided. One chooses to live in accordance with God’s word and the other chooses to live in rebellion against it.

Because the stakes are so high the debate must be joined by everyone. It cannot be dictated by those who call themselves gay but use anger to silence those who object to the same-sex union. Now more than ever, we must speak now or forever hold our peace.

Source: Correct, Not Politically Correct: How Same-Sex Marriage Hurts Everyone, by Frank Turek.

Mike S. Adams
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