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News reports suggest Liberal leader reflexively negotiated with Tamil Tiger terrorist supporters?

image According to reports, Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff appears to have negotiated with them, promising that if they ended their hellacious protest, he’d take up their cause in Parliament today. 

But today, he was a no-show in Question Period. 

This is a lesson to be learned.  Terrorists should not negotiate with Liberals.  It just encourages them.

Here’s one news report:

“Tamil Tigers, freedom fighters,” they yelled, and “no more genocide.” …The highway protest ended just after midnight after the federal Liberals promised to raise the Tamil concerns in Parliament. … The thousands of people who flooded onto the Gardiner Expressway left only after receiving assurances that the Liberals would raise their plight in Parliament.

News report from Toronto’s CP24 all-news channel

Tamil protesters (many or most of them not terrorists, but many of them apparently supporting the terrorist group) engaged in a large and totally illegal protest over the weekend in Toronto, many of them flying the official Tamil Tiger terrorist organization’s flag, causing massive havoc and an exceeding dangerous situation for many. 

The liberals’ state-owned writes today:

…Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff says he will continue to press the Harper Conservatives on the humanitarian crisis in Sri Lanka but is distancing the party from the demonstration itself…

And here’s a picture I captured from my TV of a Liberal MP nearly being whipped on the head by a Tamil Terrorist flag at an earlier protest.


image • And here’s another related article.  Liberals attend funeral of terrorist.
OOPS here’s another about another Liberal leader, Paul Martin.

And here come the CBC and its phalanx of leftist nutbars rushing to comment on the news over at their People’s Web Site 36 ( 

fetechef wrote
Posted 2009/05/11
at 3:10 PM ET:

I don’t give a damn what label the Conservatives or the Liberals have put on whatever group today, yesterday or tomorrow.

I support the Tamil Tigers, label or no label.

Fantastic.  CBC readers supporting terrorists, and proclaiming that support on our state-owned, state-run, taxpayer-funded CBC web site, which pre-approves comments before posting them, and which saw fit to approve and post that one.  Does Shaw Direct/StarChoice know about this?)

Here’s one of the several PTBC reader emails to me about this:

From: “Horazio
Subject: Iggy gives in to Tamil Tigers Supporter’s demands
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 14:30:47 -0400

Hi Joel,

I visit your website periodically and find it very refreshing especially since I live in Toronto (where saying you are Conservative is a crime or at least that’s how people make you feel when you reveal your dark kept secret?!).

Not sure if you are aware of what transpired in Toronto yesterday. A large group of Tamil Tigers supporters took over one of the major highways of the city and blocked traffic for most of the afternoon/evening. Endangering the lives of women and children. They did not leave the highway until Ignatieff promised to take up their cause in parliament today. This is setting a horrible example for other groups that will now feel that by disrupting traffic and taking the city hostage they will be able to get what they want from our politicians. They also took over the area south of queen’s park, even though there are several hospitals, which they did not seem to care. Even more disturbing is that they linked up all they young women (14 years of age or so) to form a chain in front of Toronto Police officers, but the media in Toronto kept remind us that it was “A peaceful” demonstration and at no point did they mention that Tamil Tigers are a terrorist organization.

You can have a look at the peaceful protest here  … Where you can see the peaceful protester peacefully assaulting Toronto police officers.

God Bless


Tuesday’s headlines include the likes of: “Tories ‘not prepared’ to meet with Tamil Tigers”

“Our government is prepared to meet with the Tamil community in Canada to share their concerns but we are not prepared to meet with those who represent a terrorist organization,” she said, referring to the Tamil Tigers.

Well now we’re making sense but hey… that ain’t liberal!


Joel Johannesen
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