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NDP bigotry, lies, on display in latest fundraising email

Bigotry? Yes. And more. The NDP are liars. And if they’re liars, they’re probably thieves, and unethical, and immoral, and they obviously can’t be trusted.

Don’t take my word for it  —  that’s how they revealed themselves in their own email to me.

They can’t be too smart.

The socialists’ latest festive holiday of seasonal values and multicultural greeting (or whatever their political correctness squad demand they replace “Christmas” with this week), was hideous, as usual. They plead for money from me because they suggest that money will buy them power. They won’t allow you to spend your own money on your own health care, but to buy them the power they seek over you and your family and engineer your whole life —  priceless.

Their festive greeting includes this line:

Stephen Harper has already raised millions this year from his Conservative base – a wealthy group of big oil and gas executives.

Well wah wah.

But let’s see. They think it just stinks that Harper and the Conservatives raised all that cash, yet the NDP  —  the socialists  —  want to get even more of that awful cash, for their own campaign. Weird. So cash is bad, but it’s cool if they get the cash… to fundamentally transform Canada into a socialist state.  How honest. How socialist. How progressive. But hey thanks for exemplifying the progressive mindset.

NDP_LIESBut here’s more: “Stephen Harper has raised millions… from a wealthy group of big oil and gas executives.” At $1200 a pop —  the legal limit?  Let do math! No no don’t run away, socialists  —  math ain’t that bad once you grow up and need to use it!

The Conservatives do raise millions. They do an excellent job of raising cash with which to fight off the socialists hordes. They do way better than the left-wing parties. But assuming by “millions” of dollars the NDP mean at least two million, well, at $1200 per person, that amounts to 1,666 people donating the maximum legal amount. Corporations aren’t allowed to donate anything at all.

Are there even 1,666 big, rich, fat-cat executives of any kind in Canada, let alone “big oil and gas executives” in Canada? I really doubt it. Sixteen? Sure. But a hundred times that number? Nope.

But for the sake of science (again  — stay with me, socialists  —  you’ll learn to love real science too!), let’s be more liberal (spit) with their language. Since the Conservatives will probably raise something close to $18 million this year, let’s assume by “millions” the NDP meant just five million dollars. That would be 4,167 “big oil and gas executives.” Let’s go right to the extent of their lie: at $18 million, that would mean 15,000 “big oil and gas executives.” Science is fun! Lies are not.

But this garbage email stinks-up the place in another way. Notice how the NDP display their utter contempt for oil and gas executives (whoever they are)? They used that phrase “a wealthy group of big oil and gas executives” as a term of derision. A derogatory term. A smear of oil and gas executives and Conservatives. It is meant to demean. They think it’s an insult! They are using it as an insult! They are using a group of perfectly nice Canadians as an insult  —  as a weapon  —  in their fundraising junk mail.

Why would a federal party, which hopes to govern the whole country, try to segregate and demean those whom even the NDP contend is a huge number of Canadians?

Why? Because they’re awful. They’re trying to divide our country. They are divisive people.

They’re actually trying to create a hate-on against a lawful segment of our own society  —  an important segment, and a successful one.  Omar Khadr they love  —  but successful, lawful Canadians? Hate ’em! What a bizarre construct.

It’s a hate-on against people they don’t even know, much less understand. It’s a display of intolerance. They want you to despise these Canadians. Despise them because they’re successful bigotry-2013-12-23_095240people who have made good choices in their lives. Furthermore, by innuendo, they seek to have you join them in hating these nefarious “rich” “oil and gas” people in general, and those awful Canadians who work in that industry  —  an industry which they appear to hate in general. So they’re evangelizing, as left-wing fundamentalists.

They are clearly intolerant. And so they are also liars in this regard, because all day long they portray themselves as the tolerant ones. The compassionate ones. The inclusive ones. The ones who love the diversity. Lies, lies, lies.

They’re jealous. They’re envious. They’re hypocrites, and they’re liars. Actually, as I’ve just explained, they’re bigots.

More on that “base” lie: the Conservatives’ base is obviously not “oil and gas executives.” Again, math science shows there’s not enough of them to make for any kind of a political “base.”  They don’t understand science or math, but they do know they are lying. What they’re trying to do here is make you hate Conservatives, by linking them with a group they’ve deemed despicable  —  the oil and gas industry employees. They want you to hate Conservatives, using people they hate as bait, because Conservatives’ ideology differs from their own.

They’re like children. They’re really just seething at the science  —  which is that three or four times as many Canadians support the Conservatives, compared to the lying NDP. Maybe that’s because Canadians know the NDP lie all day long. But lying about the facts, as the NDP is blatantly doing, hoping you’re so stupid you won’t ever find out about their lies, won’t change things. You’d think they’d know this by now and make actual progress.

So yeah, vote NDP! Good, positive things are sure to come of that.


Joel Johannesen
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  1. This entire website is an experiment in trolling, right? No one could be this gullible, uninformed, and downright stupid.

    I’ve got some news for you:

    Socialism isn’t a bad word.

    YOU and every single one of your conservative friends have benefited IMMENSELY from other people’s hard work and taxes, even people who were already dead when you were born paid taxes to build the roads and infrastructure, as well as the social infrastructure which raised you from a pup. You just downplay this because you like to think of yourself as a “self-made man” (a concept which doesn’t exist anywhere in the real world).

    Only you guys think that someone “admitting” that they are a socialist is prima facie proof that they are evil/wrong/gullible/stupid/ignorant of history/scum/whatever other infantile association that that word triggers for you. I bet the word “Marxism” has a completely different definition to you than it does to the academic population, or even to most of the moderately educated population. It’s kind of like the word “evolution” when you think about it. The ultra-right wing of North America has a COMPLETELY different definition for certain words, so that when their constituents hear those words, they stop listening.

    Unlike you idiots, most of us don’t cringe when we see taxes deducted from our paycheques. We don’t start foaming at the mouth about “our hard earned money” going to poor people who don’t want to work.

    You’re full of misplaced fears and ignorance, which is a combination that creates hate.

    Your entire worldview is completely wrong. Socialism isn’t the enemy; it is the cure for a profoundly injust and cruel society dominated by corporate interests which see 99% of the human population as disposable, and themselves as heroic, capitalist entrepreneurs whom the world should be grateful for. I bet you can’t wait for the for-profit energy companies to move into alternative energy, so that they can claim ownership of the means of production and literally put a meter between us and the sun so that they can charge us for energy.

    The values to which you subscribe are outdated and have long been discredited.

    There was once a time when “The Ant and the Grasshopper” view of the world made sense, but that time has long passed and we now live in a world where the truly ultra lazy (the 1%) create money out of thin air, and sit back and enjoy the fruits of the labor of billions of people.

    • Hi chum!

      As I mentioned in the other long, long, insulting, and generally derogatory comment you made at another of my web sites, in which you used a different fake name (“Communist Swine”) and a different email address, you’re quite the coward. And you’re a troll by definition. Do note your opening remark, here, in which you hilariously accuse me and my whole web site as an “experiment in trolling.”

      You’re a socialist fundamentalist.

      Try to have a great day anyway, though.

      • Any input on the actual content of my arguments? Or is it just an ad-hominem attack about me being a coward?

        Care to comment on the notion that you have benefited immensely from the hard work and taxes of others?

        And if I’m a “socialist fundamentalist,” you’re an anti-social right-wing fundamentalist helping the rich keep their foot on the throats of billions.

        That’s the thing here. What me and you have is not a difference of opinion, but a fundamental disagreement about human nature and social relations.

        • My job here is to write articles and spread the truth, not respond to your petty little personal insults, temper tantrums, or to engage in debate, on command, with you after your bigoted and abjectly ad hominem attacks. Moreover, I don’t debate communists or socialists as a rule. They’re a lost cause to me, and an utter waste of my valuable time, which I prefer to use to make scads of cash. I built this web site and my business myself, without any help, and succeeded generally, by not letting people like you distract me from my important work.

          I will just add this: my calling you a coward for writing nasty, personally insulting, and generally bigoted comments about conservatives, using not just one but two fake names and two fake email addresses, is literally the definition of a cowardliness. It is not “just an ad hominem” anything, much less an “attack.” It’s a fact (in contradistinction to your idiotic and pedantic anti-intellectual assertion that “conservatives don’t like to read,” for example).

          Enough said. By you.

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