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Mulcair blames Harper “regime” for computer virus. Reporters come to Mulcair’s aid.

Here’s a snippet from a revealing scrum with reporters today.

The socialist leader Tom Mulcair, NDP, went on a nonsensical verbal rampage, hitting every single aspect of the Harper/Conservative government that he could think of. And the reporters helped him along. If Stephen Harper had spoken like this, the media would be all over it like a Russian computer virus. The CBC would do a six-part series on “The Passionate Eye.”


Clearly unhinged, throughout the episode, Mulcair continuously referred to the Harper government as “the regime.”  This is something I do when I’m referring to a government I hate. Like North Korea’s. Or more jovially, Obama’s. But here’s a protip: a man who (fancifully) imagines himself as prime minister one day, would be well-advised to tone down the harsh, unstatesmanlike rhetoric directed toward the current prime minister.

The reporters kowtowed to Mulcair, and following his lead, referring to the Harper government as “the regime” in some of their questions. These reporters are what we refer to as “lemmings,” or “useful idiots.” And ironically, this is exactly how socialist or fascist authoritarian or totalitarian regimes are formed.

But I digress.

Reporter:  I understand what you’re saying, but is it their fault that they were hit by a virus?!  What can they do to fix it?

Mulcair:  In terms of public administration, Marie, the priority is service to the public. When there are cuts and Mulcair-pyramid-1(200px)rationalizations and things like that that have to be done, there’s a whole ‘pyramid’ of people [Mulcair makes shape of pyramid with hands] who are working for the public but ultimately you come to direct service to the public so that should be the important at best protected. That should be the most the highest priority but since the Conservatives don’t have any priorities, they cut there. And that’s not surprising. But certainly it’s their responsibility, and if they’ve introduced a system that isn’t well enough protected, yes it is their responsibility.

Mmmkay. What?

I mean I comprehend the Truman line “the buck stops here,” but that’s not really what Mulcair is saying. He’s implying that the virus happened because of the Harper/Conservatives. The Conservatives are responsible for a global computer/internet virus now?  And not knowing about any future virus like this, the “regime” is to blame for not protecting against it? What about the unionized government workers who run the system? Are they to blame too? Of course not. Don’t be such a regime. Or such a big old pyramid. Or something.

Then another reporter, whom you could credibly call a certified NDP booster, came up with this leading puffball question meant to suck up to dear leader Mulcair, instead of asking one appropriately slamming Mulcair for being so irresponsible in his previous answer:

Reporter/Supporter:  So what they should be doing is reassuring the public, is that what you’re saying?

Again: What?  I didn’t get anything like Mulcair saying that in his previous answer.  But anyway, here’s his “answer.”

Mulcair:  Well first of all they need to believe in public administration and make it a priority to give services to the public so that they can do that. And here it’s a service to the public because they have to send in their tax returns but it’s also a service to the government the government has to be able to collect taxes!

I “believe” in a lot of things  —  God, and so on. But I don’t really “believe” in public administration. It’s a necessary evil. But trust the socialists to “believe” in, and have an unending love for… the tax collecting department of government. Personally, I believe in a tax system so simple that we don’t even need the existing behemoth of a tax department. But potatoes, Marxists.

Different Reporter/Supporter (still love-baiting their man Mulcair):  So do you think they should be more proactive?

Mulcair: Well I think Conservatives are such poor managers that they’re not even capable of communicating. Uh, on an issue like that. Usually they just tell people to buzz off, and when something like that happens, they just don’t know what to do. But basically what they should have done was make that a priority previously, uh, working upstream instead of downstream!

Well that was an excellent communication. Uh, non-answer. If you like idiotic answers to stupid questions. And by the way, what’s “working upstream instead of downstream?”  Never mind, I don’t want to know. Still trying to figure out pyramids.

Then this answer to a question by another hack reporter who you’d think was Mulcair’s BFF:

Reporter: …It sounds like they’re only going to provide daily updates, it doesn’t sound like they really have this under control yet!

Dear God. The obsequiousness and leading aside, what utter tripe. But bask in this Mulcair gobbledeegook:

Mulcair:  No of course the Conservatives don’t have it under control they haven’t made it a priority, they can’t reassure Canadians about their private and personal information, and ya know these are huge issues because you have an obligation to provide all of that information to the government and there is a SECRET surrounding that that is always been maintained but since the Conservatives have never respected ANYTHING to do with personal information, they’ve against BOTH side of that. There’s an equation that says on one side you’ve got to protect peoples’ personal information and you have to render public what people are entitled to make that accessible! They’ve fought against both of those they don’t care about protecting private information and they don’t like to see things made public! THAT’s the Conservative method! This is just the ultimate example of that.

I kid you not. That’s exactly what he said. If you can make absolutely any  sense of it, I’ll vote for your “regime” Mulcair-regime(sq) in the next election, I mean if the current “regime” ever lets us have any more elections, that is.

They all  —  Mulcair and his fawning media  —  failed miserably, whatever their “priorities” were.

For what it’s worth, which isn’t much, miraculously, when asked, the Liberal leader Justin Trudeau, who is widely seen as vacuous, claims he will simply fully support the government in its effort to kill the nasty virus. It’s literally the only sensible thing Justin Trudeau has ever said, and in contrast to the buffoon Mulcair, he sounded almost statesmanlike.

Astonishing display today.


Joel Johannesen
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